Girls, after being in a relationship for a long time, we want to marry the one we love, right? But well, we are also worried about a lot of things that might change…sex being on the top of the list. But does it really change? Or is it only a myth? Well, here are these 5 women who answered on Reddit if sex after marriage changes – for good or for bad – and you must read what they have to say.
1. ‘It is what you make of it.’ – That’s certainly true!
Somecrazybroad answers on Reddit: It is what you make of it. If sex goes down hill after marriage, the ONLY reason (if medical reasons are ruled out) is lack of communication and laziness. My husband and I are celebrating 10 years together in July. We have sex just about every single day and there is still passion.
2. ‘It all comes down to communication. Without it, intimacy dies.’ – Well, okay!
Wascurious answers on Reddit: No, your sex life does not need to decline after marriage. What makes sex go downhill after marriage seems to mostly come down to two things:
a. Kids. Your life changes, you begin relating to each other more as parents than as lovers. You stop going out, spending time alone, bonding, intimacy gets decreased, you stop talking as much, resentments grow, etc.
b. It all comes down to communication. Without it, intimacy dies. Be open and honest, find time to be alone, share your thoughts and desires, stay connected.
3. ‘You have to at least acknowledge the possibility.’ – Alright then!
Throwaway_quinn answers on Reddit: It’s more likely than not, so “expect it”. You have to at least acknowledge the possibility.
4. ‘It hasn’t changed much in general as far as frequency is concerned.’ – Well, that’s good.
Barefootmamaof2 answers on Reddit: With us, the only thing that has affected our sex life is the kids. Don’t be afraid though, it hasn’t changed much in general as far as frequency is concerned.
5. ‘It just kinda fades away as other things occupy your attention’- Sounds legit!
MrPinkLives answers on Reddit: My boyfriend sometimes jokes that “marriage is where sex goes to die”. And for a lot of people, I can understand that. It just kinda fades away as other things occupy your attention and take your energy and odds are that the bedroom will become only for sleeping. We’ve been together for quite a while, and even though we’re not married, sex has slacked. But if I feel neglected, I talk to him about it and vice versa. As long as that communication continues, I don’t think it’ll ever die.
You can read the full thread here on Reddit.
Well, now you know.