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12 People Share Their ‘Controversial’ Opinions On Men & We Honestly Need To Hear Them Out

12 People Share Their ‘Controversial’ Opinions On Men & We Honestly Need To Hear Them Out

We all have unpopular opinions about a variety of things. There could be a viral trend that the world around you may be blindly following, but you secretly abhor everything about it. There could be a fictional character who everyone loves, but you find them problematic.

people share conroversial opinions on men

Oftentimes on X, we see threads where people voice their controversial opinions that wouldn’t go down very well with the majority of public going viral. This time, the conversations are about men. An X user (@beyoncegarden) asked people about their unpopular opinions on men that could land them in life-threatening positions, and the responses are worth noting.

If we were to add one, it’d most probably be that following Andrew Tate won’t make you ‘cool’! But what’s something that you’d like to add?

13 Oct 2023

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