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10 Adorable Ways To Make Your Guy *Blush* Today!

10 Adorable Ways To Make Your Guy *Blush* Today!

We won’t be surprised if you tell us your guy is shy or reserved… And that’s because so many men are. While blushing is a feat mostly reserved for women, it’s not a bad idea to try and make your guy blush and grin from ear to ear once a day. And if he has that killer, million dollar smile…sigh! God bless you, girl! Here are some things we recommend you try!

1. Sweet nothings

Catch him unawares. When you are out with him and there are people around, bend to say something in his ear and whisper a cute flirty message – meant just for him. Works all the time!

2. Wear something sexy

Just for him. Get into a pretty lingerie set (or just a thong *wink* ) and jump into bed. We can only imagine his blush and excitement when he sees you.

3. Whatsapp him a super cute message

Send a funny but romantic meme to say how amazing he is. It’s bound to make his cheeks all pink. Don’t you think?


3 make your guy blush

4. Shower him with compliments

We all love being praised. Say something in front of others, tell him how amazing he is. Appreciate his skills around people who matter to him. It’s a great ego boost and will surely make him smile!

5. Get social

Not everyone loves PDA on social media but once in a while (strictly), give him a special mention for his achievements on FB or Twitter. Let him know how proud of him you are!

6. Picture this

Put up a super cute photo of the two of you with a sweet caption as your DP. Knowing that you want the world to know of you two will surely leave him blushing a little!


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7. Box it up!

For no occasion, just like that – send him a cute gift. Something he has long wanted but never picked. In addition to the blush – expect a really warm hug too! Aww!

8. Make an all-aphrodisiac meal

Or you could order it in if cooking isn’t one of your skills. Think anything with eggs, asparagus, almonds, salmon, chillies, jalapeño peppers, basil, avocado, garlic, lemon, figs, ginger… Not bad, eh? Make sure to make notes about the aphrodisiac benefits of every course, so that it makes sense to him.

9. Tease him!

A quick preview of what he’s going to witness tonight – a photo of your lingerie or just a naughty selfie… Send it. It’s the most effortless way to make his cheeks go red.


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10. Get bold

Drop naughty hints at the dinner table without being too obvious to others (of course). Play footsie, pinch him in the hallway, show some cleavage…the works, baby!!!

GIFs: Tumblr, Giphy

03 Jan 2017

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