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10 Signs You’re in a Healthy Relationship (That’s Not Just About Romance)

10 Signs You’re in a Healthy Relationship (That’s Not Just About Romance)

Having been in a relationship for more than seven years and almost close to getting married, I’ve come to realise that a healthy relationship is about so much more than romantic dinners, sweet text messages, or grand gestures. While those things can certainly add a spark, a truly thriving partnership goes beyond just romance.

It’s about finding someone who not only makes your heart flutter but also brings out the best in you, someone who stands by your side through thick and thin, and respects and cherishes you for who you are. It’s the comfort of knowing you can be your true self, flaws and all, and still be loved unconditionally. And luckily, I’ve felt that in my relationship with my partner. The thing is, in a healthy relationship, there’s a beautiful balance between giving and receiving, supporting and being supported, and growing together while respecting each other’s individuality. It’s about being teammates in this game called life, where both partners are committed to building a connection that is deep, meaningful, and lasting. 

So, how do you know if you’re in a relationship that ticks all these boxes? Here are ten signs that show you’re in a healthy, balanced relationship that’s built to stand the test of time.


1. You Communicate Openly and Honestly

Communication is the bedrock of any strong relationship. You both feel comfortable expressing your thoughts, feelings and even fears without judgment. When there’s an issue, you discuss it constructively rather than sweeping it under the rug.


2. You Respect Each Other’s Space and Independence

While you enjoy spending time together, you also understand the importance of personal space. You don’t feel threatened when your partner wants to hang out with friends or pursue a hobby without you.

3. You Have Mutual Respect

Respect goes beyond just listening to each other; it means valuing each other’s opinions, boundaries, and differences. You celebrate what makes each of you unique rather than trying to change each other.

4. You Support Each Other’s Goals and Dreams

In a healthy relationship, you are each other’s biggest cheerleader. You encourage your partner to chase their dreams, even if it means stepping outside their comfort zone, and you’re there to celebrate their successes and support them through failures.

5. You Trust Each Other Completely

Trust is the foundation of a strong relationship. You don’t have to worry about hidden secrets, and there’s no need for constant reassurance. You trust that your partner has your best interests at heart.


6. You Handle Conflicts Maturely

Every couple has disagreements, but it’s how you handle them that counts. In a healthy relationship, conflicts are seen as opportunities to grow rather than battlegrounds. You argue fairly and focus on finding a resolution that works for both of you.

7. You Feel Safe and Secure

There’s no place for fear or insecurity in a healthy relationship. You feel safe expressing your true self, knowing that your partner loves you for who you are, flaws, and all.

8. You Share Responsibilities Equally

Whether it’s household chores, financial responsibilities, or emotional labor, there’s a fair distribution of work. You both contribute to the relationship and take care of each other, ensuring no one feels overburdened.

9. You Have Fun Together

Laughter is the best glue in any relationship! Whether you’re binge-watching a series, cooking together, or embarking on spontaneous adventures, you genuinely enjoy each other’s company and have fun together.


10. You’re Growing Together

In a healthy relationship, you both are committed to personal growth and support each other in becoming the best versions of yourselves. You’re not just growing individually but also evolving together as a couple, constantly learning and adapting to life’s changes.

If you recognise these signs in your relationship, congratulations! You’re on a path that’s nurturing, fulfilling, and sustainable. It’s not just about romance; it’s about a partnership that enriches both of your lives.

Featured Image: Anushka Sharma | Instagram

26 Aug 2024

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