
One Day You’ll Meet Someone… And Everything Will Make Sense

Divya Sharma  |  Nov 16, 2016
One Day You’ll Meet Someone… And Everything Will Make Sense

You’re a unique and beautiful human, even if you forget that about yourself sometimes. And you’ll have a unique and beautiful story, even if you don’t believe it yet.

Your story will have many turns and just as many bumps. Some traffic jams too, if you get down to it. And when you’re going through it all, none of these things will ever feel worth the journey – or the pain you’re caused by them. Inspirational quotes are easy to repost, but we’ve never really lived by them in reality, have we? We still wonder ‘But what if?’ and ‘Why me?’ Only because there is no tangible reason for us to feel otherwise, to feel like there is a reason for it all.

There is a moment when this changes – a moment when a person walks into your life and gives meaning to everything. Everything suddenly makes sense, everything starts to click – all those heartbreaks, all those tears, all those moments when you felt like the loneliest person on earth.

Every bump, every turn was leading you up to this moment. This person.

This person who makes all your nightmares fade away and all the scars on your soul disappear. This person will make you finally breathe easy again. This person will calm your aching heart.

One day you’re going to meet someone who will make you think, ‘Oh, it’s you. You’re the one I’ve been waiting for.’ This person will stroll into your life and change the way you see everything around you. You had all the right puzzle pieces, this person will just make you see how they fit together.

One day you’re going to meet that person. And everything will just…make sense again.

This person will make you believe in all of those beautiful things you had stopped believing in. This person will make you believe in miracles you never even dreamed to be true. But more importantly, this person will make you believe in yourself when you’re too lost to do it by yourself. Heartbreaks will turn into lessons learnt and old memories of people lost will now make you smile instead of cry. Love poems that always seemed overrated will then be etched into your mind – word for word.

It’s not like there won’t be any more bad days after you meet this person. There will be. And every bad day will be met with the belief that this too shall pass. Tomorrow will be a different story. And at the end of every tunnel, there will be light. And at the end of the day, you’ll be safe and you’ll be okay. You’ll have your person.

One day you’re going to meet someone and everything will just make sense again.

Images: Shutterstock

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