
You Know You Were an Army Kid When…

Tanushree Bhasin  |  May 6, 2016

If you’ve been raised in the Indian army, you’ve been marked for life! Here’s a list of 35 things only an army kid can relate to.

1. You’ve lived in at least 4 states of India.

2. Every three years, you feel this uncontrollable need to move house or change town.

3. You don’t understand why people get so upset about packing and moving!

4. You know the difference between formal and “civil” clothes.

5. Wars don’t scare you. You spent your childhood imagining the glories of war.

6. You used to write letters and make trunk calls via the “exchange” to your civilian cousins.

7. You’ve driven a tank.

8. You’ve fired a gun of course. And probably hit bulls eye too.

9. Aviators are your choice of sunglasses. For life.

10. You’ve watched Border a million times.

11. You went to school in a one ton or a three ton.

12. Mess parties were the highlight of your week. Especially the ones you were not allowed to attend but managed to sneak into.

13. You still struggle to answer the question “Where are you from?”

14. You’re punctual as hell.

15. You LOVE sports. What else are you supposed to do in the evenings?

16. Your table manners and courtesies are impeccable.

17. You automatically wish older people “Good Evening” and “Good Night”.

18. You count time in the 24 hour format. “I will see you at 1400 hours!”

19. You studied at six different Army Schools.

20. Your childhood was not spent watching TV but playing outside in the Cantt area.

21. Ration delivery and CSD canteen trips were looked forward to for days!

22. Your military ID card got you out of quite a few tough situations.

23. You automatically feel respect for any man or woman you see in uniform. And Sunny Deol. He’s pretty much an honorary army officer 😛

24. You accompanied you mother to several Ladies Meets and wondered why in the world they spent so much time making candles!

25. Gypsie, Jonga, Shaktiman, were your modes of travel.

26. Admit it, you made your sahayak bhaiya make all your science projects!

27. Remember Tambola nights?

28. Half of your stuff is still lying under your bed in steel trunks with your dad/mum’s name and address on it.

29. Your house was decorated with those super bare and simple MES furniture pieces that were ugly but quite durable.

30. You’ve watched Hindi films at makeshift theatres after a circular was sent around the unit announcing film screenings.

31. Pageants? You’re a pro! May Queen bitches!  

32. You’ve taken basketball, horse riding, swimming, athletics lessons while growing up.

33. You still wear army boots.

34. You felt scared or nervous every time your Dad or Mum got a field posting or was moved to a conflict/war area.

35. You’ve grown up with a family of officers, wives, children, and sahayak bhaiyas who have been a permanent presence in your life till date. 🙂

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