
You Know You Are from Chandigarh When…

Tanushree Bhasin  |  May 6, 2016

Living in Chandigarh can sometimes be a breeze and sometimes as dull as the snooze-inducing Hot Millions restaurants. With new malls, eateries and pubs opening up in the city, Chandigarh too is changing. Some things, however, never change! Here are a few things that make you a true Chandigarh-ite!

1. You can tell one roundabout from another. To an outsider, they all look exactly the same!

2. You can also tell one sector from another. How the hell do you guys manage to do it?!

3. Sector 17 is where you chill, and all your fondest memories of the city and your friends are associated with it.

4.Gedi maarna” was and is an important part of the day. How else are you supposed to kill time and spot eye candy around town?!

5. Boys in your city are obsessed with Royal Enfields, “Bults”, snazzy cars, expensive sound systems and woofers.

6. There are more old and retired people in your city than young ones.

7. There is really NOTHING to do in Chandigarh. Naturally, you drive down to Delhi almost every weekend to party.

8. All your friends have one relative or another living in Canada and the UK.

9. At least five of your friends have been, or will be on MTV Roadies.

10. You still have a strong connection to your pind.

11. You use these words more often than you’d like to admit: wella”, “ghaint”, “kaim”, “khajjal”.

12. You meet a friend and immediately say, “Kidaan!”

13. Parties end in fights, usually with someone cracking a beer bottle on someone’s head!

14. Driving Bullets (boys) and Kineys (girls) in school is considered quite an achievement.

15. “You’re a vegetarian?! Get out of here!” You’ve felt this about people oh so often!

16. A quick drive to Kasauli or Shimla is a routine part of your life.

17. You don’t particularly like Sukhna Lake, Rock Garden and Rose Garden. But then these are the only tourist attractions the city has to offer, so when out-of-town cousins  visit, your dislike gives way to familial indulgence.

18. “Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui” is one of your favourite songs to dance to.

19. There’s really no divide between people from Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula. And of course the cantonment area: Chandimandir.

20. You love your city despite its slow pace. You know everyone here and are familiar with every nook and cranny of the city. You wouldn’t trade living in this proper Punjabi city for any other, no matter what!

GIFs: tumblr, giphy

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