
#YOLO: 30 Things Every Woman Should Do At Least Once!

Priyanka Ghura  |  May 6, 2016

Ladies, none of us want to reach the age of 70 and realize that we could have done so much more in our lives. Life really is too short (yes, that annoying cliché is true), so we all need to learn to make the most out of it. We give you a few things that should be on every woman’s bucket list, and we hope it inspires you to take life by the horns! #YOLO

1. Shamelessly flirt with someone you think is way out of your league.

It’ll do wonders for your self-confidence.

2. Eat an entire cake on your own.

And feel great, not guilty about it!

3. Take a chance with  a completely different profession at least once in your life

Take the time to do something you enjoy without worrying about paying the bills, even if it is only part time or a hobby.

4. Try something crazy with your hair. If it’s always been long, cut it super-short.

It’ll make you feel younger, liberated and sexy as hell. Plus it’s just hair, it will grow out!

5. Suffer major heartbreak.

As they say, “better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all!”. Plus, it will only make you stronger.

6.Learn a language that is completely foreign to you.

You learn so much about another culture when you learn its language.

7. Really get on top of your finances and investments!

There’s no need to depend on a man or anyone else for that matter! Trust us, it’ll feel great.

8. Travel to the most exotic place you can think off!  

Grab your partner, sister or your best friend and make that crazy trip happen at least once in your life.

9. Have that summer fling!

Before you get married of course.

10. Make things right with people and mend those broken relationships.

It could be an ex-boyfriend, or a friend you had fallen out with.

11. Go skinny dipping!

If not in the ocean, try going sans bathing suit in a private pool.

12. Live alone, and learn to enjoy it!

Come home at odd hours, be as tidy or as messy as you like, sit around in anything you fancy, turn the music on full blast. Eat what you want, even dessert for breakfast – your house, your rules.

13. Give back to the world.

Whether it’s donating a small amount every month, teaching somebody to read, or volunteering for a cause you believe in.

14. Fight your fears.

Go bungee jumping, deep sea diving, or just learn to face those cockroaches. However big or small, conquering them will feel sooo good!

15. Learn not to settle.

It won’t lead to happiness in the long run.

16. Cut out those friends you don’t really like from your life.

Fake friends, frenemies and friends who don’t make you feel good about yourself

17. Splurge on something you want really badly.

Every once in awhile.

18. Accomplish a physical challenge you never thought you were capable of.

Climb a mountain, run a marathon, learn a martial art

19. Let people know how much they mean to you.

Whether it’s your parents, your friends, your kids, or your spouse

20. Learn to like all those things your mum forced you to eat as a kid.

Green veggies, eggs etc. Your body and skin will thank you for it!

21. Continue your education.

You’re never too old to broaden your mind

22. Quit that job you hate.

Take the plunge and don’t worry so much about the repercussions.

23. Try out your sexual fantasies.

You may be surprised to find that your partner is more than happy to oblige.

24. Taste new food and cuisines.

We’re sure you’ll discover a new favourite dish!

25. Escape with your friends, kids, spouse or just by yourself to somewhere with no cellphone coverage.

For at least a week!

26. Master at least one elaborate dish in the kitchen.

It will become your signature “chef’s special”.

27. Chase that crazy dream.

Write that book you’ve always wanted to, audition for an acting role, design your own clothes, take a year off to travel the world.

28. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin.

Confidence is sexy, no matter what your shape and size.

29. Relive that scene from your favourite Hindi movie.

Kiss in the rain while huddling under a single umbrella!

30. Love with all your heart.

It’s one of the greatest joys of life! GIFs:,,, MUST-READ: 23 Things We Wish Men Wouldn’t Assume About Us! MUST-READ: Ek Duje Ke Liye: Signs You Are In An Amazing Relationship!

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