Bath & Body

#POPxoLifeOnFleek: A Working Girl’s Guide To Head-To-Toe Hydration In Under 10 Minutes

Chhavi Porwal  |  Oct 11, 2019
#POPxoLifeOnFleek: A Working Girl’s Guide To Head-To-Toe Hydration In Under 10 Minutes

Name: Chhavi
Age: 26
Location: New Delhi
Occupation: Junior Editor, POPxo

“I’d like a portion of healthy skin, and please leave out the pigmentation and pores, please. Thank you!” Wouldn’t it be wonderful if having great skin was as simple as placing an order at a restaurant? I have been writing about beauty for four years now and it has taught me a lot about self-care. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to practice some of the things I talk about. As much as I would like to commit to that 10-step K-Beauty regime, I don’t have the time for it.

I live alone, run my house without any help and have a full-time job that keeps me on my toes. My morning looks something like this –wake up and have a hot cuppa chai, cook a healthy meal, clean the house and then get ready for work. I don’t live close to the office so I have to take multiple means of transport. I have dry skin and hair all year round, so I can’t leave the house without moisturising. But by the time I wake up and finish my chores, I barely have 10 minutes till I leave for work. I’m not someone who wears makeup regularly so I focus on skincare and haircare. 

Here’s A Peek Into My Easy 10-Minute Morning Routine For Head-To-Toe Hydration

An easy way to make sure that you have time for self-care in the morning is to plan your outfit the night before. I also decide what I’m going to cook the next day so I don’t have to wake up and spend time making decisions.

Hair: 5 minutes

If you have dry, damaged hair as I do, look for a moisturising shampoo and conditioner. I know most of us get lazy and end up skipping the conditioner, but let me tell you that it’s food for your hair. It barely takes two extra minutes in the shower to condition your hair and you always have a good hair day. Now isn’t that worth a little effort?

I’m currently using POPxo’s Power Up My Mane, Coconut & Jojoba Creme Conditioner. It has some of my favourite moisturising ingredients — Coconut, Jojoba and Argan oil with Aloe Vera extract. 

Body and Skincare: 5 minutes

Once I’m out of the shower, I spend 5 minutes applying moisturiser to my face and body. As I said, I’m not big on makeup, instead, my routine consists of a humble hyaluronic acid-based serum topped off with some sunscreen. And now that winter is approaching, I prefer to use body butter over body lotion. My Butter Up, Buttercup Chamomile & Pink Lotus Body Butter has just the right consistency, it’s not too runny, not too thick. A quick tip is to apply the body butter to your skin while it is still wet, it helps the skin absorb the ingredients better! If I have some time left to spare, I like to apply a lip balm before I set out to work. 

I toss a multi-purpose balm into my purse before I dash out the door. I use it at work to moisturise my lips, hands, feet or any area that needs a little pick me up.

Here are some small skin care tips that will make a big difference!

– Don’t shower with super-hot water, let it be lukewarm. Hot water strips away the natural oils present on your skin.
– Apply more moisturisers to areas that are more prone to dryness, like your elbows, knees and feet. 
– Remember to moisturise past your jawline. Just as your face needs moisturiser, your neck and chest need some TLC too. If you don’t think it’s important, let me tell you that this one step will help you fight any signs of ageing. 
– Use a face mist in Summer to refresh and re-hydrate your skin. It’s non-sticky, it will moisturise your skin and it will brighten up your day!

Now that my skincare is squeezed into a 10-minute regime, I can commit to it without being overwhelmed. And while it’s basic, it is very effective. I’ve often been complimented for having smooth, happy, and hydrated skin. I’m pretty proud of having that glow…without using a highlighter! My hair has grown and all the damage from colouring it and styling it is disappearing, slowly but surely. 

I hope this inspires you to create your own version of a 10-minute routine!


Images Source: Writer’s Own & POPxo Shop

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