
7 Secrets Your Hair Is Telling You About Your Body!

Priyanka Ghura  |  Aug 17, 2016
7 Secrets Your Hair Is Telling You About Your Body!

You know that dry hair is a sign to stop heat styling and take better care to nourish your locks. But the state of your strands can also give you plenty of insight into your body and health conditions. If you feel like you’re having too many bad hair days, it could have something to do with your health and diet. We decipher the secrets your hair is trying to tell you, so read on to see what your hair is telling you about your health!

1. Your Hair Is Falling Out

It’s normal to notice a bit of hair fall but if you notice a sudden spike in how many of your strands are falling out, it could be related to hormones. Hormonal imbalances or fluctuations could happen because of PCOS, thyroid, pregnancy, menopause or diabetes, or also just the flu. Hair fall can also be caused because of a lack of iron and protein, so you may want to start taking multivitamins. Major stress is also a common culprit for a lot of thinning hair.

2. Scaly Patches On Your Hairline

This is a common indicator of Psoriasis – an autoimmune disease where the skin goes into overdrive and the turnover and growth of skin cells speeds up. It can cause itchiness and people who have it are more prone to other autoimmune disorders like Lupus and Crohn’s disease. Bring it to your doctor’s attention and also see a dermatologist to help treat it right.

Also read: “CO” Washing – Is This The Solution To ALL Your Hair Problems?!

3. Your Hair Lacks Lustre

You may want to rethink what’s on your plate if your mane seems dull, brittle and lacklustre. Your strands can suffer from a lack of nutrients over time, so stay away from processed foods and turn to fresh, whole foods instead. Colourful fruits and veggies are a must as well. Brittle hair is also a sign of dehydration, so increase your water intake.

4. You Notice Yellowish Flakes

These can be mistaken for dandruff but they’re definitely not the same thing. Seborrheic dermatitis is chronic scalp condition where scaly patches develop, often in the greasiest parts of the scalp. Flaky skin loosens and leaves telltale flakes on the strands. This condition usually co-exists with a fungal infection caused by an overgrowth of yeast on the scalp. Get it treated by a dermatologist, there are effective shampoos and creams to treat the condition.

5. Greying Hair

Grey hair mainly depends on genetics but a lot is said about stress having a direct relationship with premature greying. Research suggests that hormones produced under stress can block the signal for hair follicles to absorb melanin, the pigment that colours hair. Traumas and stress can be linked to sudden greying. However, some people say that their hair went back to its original colour once the stress had passed. Vitamin deficiencies can also be the reason behind premature greying.

Also read: 10 Age-Old Myths About Hair Care You Should NOT Believe!

6. Your Hair Is Falling Out In Circular Patches

This is the biggest indicator of alopecia areata, which is another autoimmune disorder. Stress makes you more prone to getting it. Diabetes can also trigger such hair loss. Cortisone shots in the scalp where the patches are severe is a common way of treating it. It’s important to seek medical help as the hair loss can be rapid and even spread to the eyebrows.

7. Your Hair Is Thinning and Weak

If you notice that your strands are getting weak, dry and thinner, it’s a sign to up the protein intake in your diet. Hair is mainly made up of protein, so a lack of it will definitely affect your locks. Make sure to eat a high-protein diet including chicken, eggs, cheese and pulses.

Images: Shutterstock

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