
6 Steps To A Stronger Immune System This Winter

Vatsala Vats  |  Oct 26, 2017
6 Steps To A Stronger Immune System This Winter

Winter, for me, is all about those soul-wrenching cold and foggy mornings, coupled with warm cappuccinos. But that’s not all. No matter where I go – office, classroom, or even the metro station, I hear people coughing and sneezing, constantly. Literally, everyone has a cold. This just goes on to show how ill-prepared our immune system is for the winter chill. That is why I have rounded up some of the easiest ways to build your immune system so you can enjoy winter, without falling ill.

1. Wash your hands

This simplest, yet most crucial, rule cannot be stated enough. Wash your hands as much as possible. Before every meal; it is an unsaid rule. Go one step further and sanitise them, right after you wash them with soap and water. To keep germs at bay, tell everyone around you to do the same; or, if you (or others) find that to be intrusive and rude, just carry a small bottle of hand sanitiser with you, wherever you go.

Keep these travel size sanitisers at all times in your purse. Get a pack of 3 Hand Sanitisers here (Rs 165).

2. Eat healthy

Say ‘bye’ to sugar once the temperatures fall. Stick to coffee and lots of herbal and green teas, if you prefer it over coffees. To really build your immune system – indulge in soups that have garlic and lots of vegetables, like mushrooms, corn and spinach. These ingredients are packed with nutrients to replenish your energy and boost your immune system. Moreover, eating a balanced diet keeps you in shape and warm throughout the winter season.

Eat your heart out by indulging in this Godrej Nature’s basket savoury creations here. (Rs 753)

3. Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your health. Go one step further and add a slice of lemon to your glass of water, for that vital dose of Vitamin C.

As another incentive to drink a lot of water-get one of these super cute sippers from Chumbak here (Rs 795).

4.  Soak up the sun

Vitamin D is important for building and maintaining your immune system. Step outside when the sun is shining bright, with sunscreen obviously. Moreover, basking in the winter sun makes for a great brunch date!

5. Exercise

Exercising has a host of benefits – it improves your sleep quality, gets you moving so you stay in shape and super warm, from within. It also does wonders for your immune system, keeping you fitter and stronger to deal with viral and bacterial infections. Incorporate a workout in your busy schedule. Even if it’s just a long walk.

Try working out at home by getting this fitness set that includes dumbbells, push-up bars and a skipping rope here. (Rs  1820)

6. Sleep well

One of my all-time favorite things to do in the winter – and I it’s bet yours, too – is to sleep. Make sure to get a good 8 to 9 hours of sleep, regularly. Your sleep cycle has more to do with your immune system than your eating habits, did you know? It is super important to have a system that is well-rested enough to defend your body against stress and ailments – both, internal and external. Go ahead, ladies. Sleep it off!

Get this super warm purple blanket to get your well deserved beauty sleep here. (Rs 899)

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