
7 Things You Did Not Know About Waxing

Priyanka Ghura  |  May 6, 2016

A waxing session is definitely not on our list of favourite activities. But how else can we rock those cute tank tops and little dresses? You’ve been making those monthly appointments to get smooth, hairless arms and legs for years, but there are so many things you still don’t know about waxing. Don’t believe us? Here are our 7 essential waxing facts!

1. Don’t Exfoliate Post-Wax

Waxing is a form of exfoliation for your skin and leaves it extra sensitive than usual. You should definitely avoid using scrubs and drying products after a waxing session, or else it can lead to burning and redness.

2. “That” Time of The Month Isn’t The Best Time

Your premenstrual and menstrual phase are not the time to go for a wax. This is the time when your body is most sensitive, which means waxing will be more painful than ever before. Schedule your appointments before your PMS or after you finish your periods for a less-unpleasant situation.

3. No Hot Showers

Your freshly waxed skin is super sensitive and more prone to bacterial infections. Make sure to avoid hot baths as well as tight clothes for at least 24 hours after your appointment. It’s important to let your skin breathe and recover from all the yanking and pulling of hair.

4. Razors Aren’t A Good Idea

Besides getting in the way of giving you super smooth skin (more like prickly stubble), shaving also causes even more pain at your next waxing appointment. That’s because shaving makes your hair blunt and grow back thicker and coarser. And we all know that thicker hair means more painful waxing sessions. Try and avoid shaving as much as you can and wait for 2 weeks afterwards to get waxed so your hair has grown enough to come off easily.

5. Don’t Skip The SPF

We just told you that waxing is a form of exfoliation, which means it helps peel away dead skin, leaving your skin pretty raw. Don’t ever make the mistake of leaving the salon without slathering on some sunscreen after your wax since your skin is even more prone to sun damage after your appointment. Please!

6. Regular Waxing Means Less Pain

The longer you wait in between appointments, the more painful it will be. Your hair thins over time, thanks to waxing regularly, which will result in less pain. If you wait for your hair to grow super-long, you’re just setting yourself up for a hellish experience. Trust us, it’s smarter to make your waxing appointment every 3-4 weeks religiously if you want to experience the least amount of pain possible.

7. Give That Workout A Miss

Skip that gym sesh, or zumba class post your waxing appointment as sweating increases the risk of bacteria spreading on your now-smooth, extra sensitive skin. Also forget about wearing tight clothes and spandex after your wax, since your skin needs to breathe – it’s time for your baggiest pair of track-pants.

MUST-READ: #RealGirlBeauty: Ingrown Hair and How To Banish It To Hell

MUST-READ: #Waxing101: The Difference Between Bikini, French and Brazilian

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