Celebrity Style

Watch Comedian Radhika Vaz #Unfollow the Fashion Police. Wearing Nothing At All.

POPxo Team  |  May 6, 2016

Fashion can be liberating, but it can also be quite stifling for people who simply can’t handle the pressure of looking a certain way. Whether it is crop tops, pencil heels, neon lipsticks, or blingy bags, it sometimes feels like it’s compulsory to look trendy and “cool”. What if you hate all of these things and love wearing baggy pants, or long dresses, or comfy sweaters or even traditional Indian clothes? Conforming to trends and “in” things can be quite, quite awful. We need a revolution, a rebellion, a protest! Fashion should not be about getting bogged down by expectations, stereotypes and labels. We need to find our own voices in a sea of uniformity, be an original badass.

FabAlley plans to do just this with their upcoming #Unfollow collection. Wondering what #Unfollow is?

It originates from the idea of being  a “Girl Uninterrupted” – it is about empowering women everywhere to be comfortable in their own skin. In this super-cool campaign video, ace stand-up comedian Radhika Vaz – hilariously and bitingly – talks about her daily “What the f*** should I wear?!” frustration. And she does it while wearing nothing. This 90-second rant encapsulates the average woman’s thoughts while getting ready Every. Single. Day. Watch!

Isn’t it awesome? This attempt to inspire women to unfollow a trend that they feel pressured to follow, but actually really don’t want to?!

Our always amazing POPxo team decided to pitch into this beautiful concept by coming up with one trend that they would each like to #Unfollow. Here’s what they had to say!

POPxo Founder and Editor-and-Chief Priyanka Gill says, “The one trend I would like to #unfollow is hair extensions. Why would you do it to your hair? It makes it brittle, weak and they look so obviously fake. I also have a thing against french manicures – so over done. Logo-ed t-shirts/belts/shoes – Why would you want any person’s name emblazoned against your body? Same for monogrammed handbags – very OTT”. Let’s hear it for this Style Council member!


CEO and Co-Founder and wannabe Teppanyaki chef, Namrata Bostrom is done with perfectly coiffured hair! “I #unfollow the ideal of having perfectly blow-dried hair every single day. The heat’s terrible for your hair, plus natural waves just look so much nicer than poker straight locks”, she says.

“I #unfollow the ‘paint your fingernails’ trend. I don’t like chipped nail polish. It’s an absolute put-off. I have never followed that fad and won’t ever”, says Sanjana Eipe, Marketing Director. She’s uber-professional, obsessive about numbers and a complete fitness freak.

Creative Director Lamya Bhatri Ebrahim, in-denial shopaholic, mum to a toddler and self-confessed glutton says, “I #unfollow the need to camouflage my age. I won’t dye my hair, I won’t get botox or a boob job, I won’t wear little skirts designed for girls half my age. And I won’t wear mesh and neon. Ever. No matter what.” Hear, hear!

Pradipta Sarkar, our grammar ninja Associate Editor is banning shapewear from her closet! “I #unfollow shapewear. I am comfortable with my body, how it looks in the clothes I wear in its unbound, un-quashed, un-squeezed state.” You go, girl!

Priyanka Ghura, the last word in everything beauty, raises a fair point about body issues. We’re in full support! “I #unfollow the bodycon trend. Not only does it promote body issues by emphasizing a super-skinny silhouette, but it’s super uncomfortable and constricting too. I don’t think parading around in tiny, tight dresses is the right way to get attention.”

Senior writer Tanushree Bhasin, the newest addition to the POPxo team says:“I #unfollow the ‘high heels’ trend! I absolutely cannot understand how anyone can walk in pencil-thin heels on and not just pass out from discomfort and pain. I’m going to throw out the one pair of heels I own and never buy new ones!” Seriously?! Whoa.

Sharon Alphonso, full time Love Guru, part-time writer and perpetual bundle of energy says: “I #unfollow the ‘fishnet stockings’ trend. I think it’s an unnecessary fashion statement, and is extremely uncomfortable to wear and difficult to pull off. Somehow, the texture and feel of the material gives me the heebie-jeebies. If it’s not worn right, you look anything but stylish in them.” Couldn’t agree more, Sharon!


Snehal Fernandes, Social Media Manager and member of the POPxo Blog Network says, “I #unfollow the need to follow a trend! It’s my body, my choice. I could make some serious fashion mistakes but I will learn from them too”.

* This is a sponsored post. The #unfollow campaign is presented by Fab Alley.



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