
The Changes You Will Witness Once You Add Vitamin A To Your Skincare Routine

Eden Noronha  |  Jul 29, 2022
The Changes You Will Witness Once You Add Vitamin A To Your Skincare Routine

Out of the many vitamins used in skincare formulas, there is much praise for vitamin A aka retinol. Those who have gone through the transformational journey of using retinol are now in the glory days of its effects. Although some of you still might feel that retinol does not agree with your skin and to that we say – give it a second chance. Why? The reason is retinol being an active ingredient, tends to be slightly aggressive in the start, especially if you haven’t chosen the right formulas that have the ideal concentration of the vitamin recommended for beginners. But once your skin gets accustomed to this ingredient, things go only uphill from there. It will finally make sense as to why everyone is so gaga over it. Starting off vitamin A with nature infused formulas is the best way to glow up without experiencing irritation. So, if you’re curious to know about what exactly vitamin A can do for your skin, read on!

Skin Changes You Will Witness When You Use Vitamin A


Instant Light

Vitamin A takes time to show the complete results, but you will see progress from the very first application. A vitamin A serum  or night cream will instantly make your skin look slightly more radiant than the previous day. This is because it gently exfoliates dead skin and unclogs your pores of dirt and impurities on application.

Refined Texture

It has time and again proven to refine skin texture in terms of shrinking enlarged pores, healing acne scars, and smoothening out fine lines and wrinkles. While it will not make your dark spots, scars, and wrinkles disappear overnight, it will quickly show improvement in pore size and will also control excess sebum production without a sweat. You will notice your skin gradually moving towards a youthful skin texture with each passing week. 

Glory Days

Vitamin A usually takes 2 months to show major results, provided you use it regularly and mainly have a retinol serum in your routine. It is also recommended that retinol be used at night if your skin is prone to sensitivity as it can make your skin photosensitive to sun rays. Moisturising is also essential for this vitamin to truly work miracles on your skin within a short period of time. The results are always too good to comprehend because all the most stubborn skin concerns vanish from your visage. That includes dark circles too. Your skin will finally begin to look plump, radiant, and smooth. Since vitamin A boosts collagen in your skin, even dullness, fine lines, and wrinkles are visibly reduced. Even acne stops recurring and all those old blemishes exit your skin forever.

What Is The Best Way To Begin Using Vitamin A? 

The best way is to begin using smaller concentrations so that your skin can get accustomed to it. You can begin with using your vitamin A products once every 3 days or you can start with a vitamin A cleanser first and then slowly move to a vitamin A serum or cream at night. The safest thing to do when finding vitamin A products is to look for formulas that contain natural ingredients which promise to soothe your skin. These kinds of natural vitamin A products are gentle and they hydrate your skin so that it never gets irritated or inflamed.

Convinced to give vitamin A the green signal? We bet you are. Start your journey with this amazing skincare ingredient right away.

Featured Image: Pexels

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