
This Upper Body Routine Will Get You In Shape Instantly So #LetsGetShredded

Kannagi Desai  |  Dec 19, 2017
This Upper Body Routine Will Get You In Shape Instantly So #LetsGetShredded

The season of sexy LBD and backless cholis is upon us!

While you are all beautiful the way you are and will look good in whatever you wear, sometimes it just feels better when your backless top fits on just right! Whether you know your way around the gym or are just starting out, these upper body exercises will give you the toned arms that you are looking for.

The best part about these workouts? You can do them at home, in the hotel room while travelling or the gym. Use weights or pick the ones that use your body weight and flaunt the toned arms to perfection!

Curl to overhead press

This can be done with weights or without. If you are on the go, just use half-filled water bottles instead of dumbbells.

1. Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Straighten your arms with your palms and weights facing forward.

2. Bend your elbows bringing the weights to the shoulder.

3. Once in the curled position, just straighten your arms above your head with the palms closer and facing outward again.

4. Bring your elbows and arms again to the curl position before coming to the original starting position.

Reps – 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each.

Lateral arm raises

You can do this with weights or without depending on your fitness level.

1. Stand with your feet, hip distance apart. Have your arms straight down by your side with the palms and weights (if any) facing inward.

2. Lift your arms to the side, keeping them straight until they are parallel to the floor.

3. Bring them back down making sure they are still straight and repeat.

Reps – 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each (with weights), 20-25 reps (without weights)

Straight row

1. Stand with your feet hip distance apart with your arms straight in front of you with the palms and weight facing inwards (touching your upper thighs).

2. Bring your elbows up to the side, basically bringing the weights to your chin.

3. Curl them back down, that would be one rep.

Reps – 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each.

Also Read Parallel Bar Dips

Overhead tricep extensions

Do this with one dumbbell (or one water bottle).

1. Stand with your feet hip distance apart and with your arms clutching the dumbbell in between your shoulder blades. So your arms will be curled behind your head with your elbows and tricep pressed against the sides of your face.

2. Extend your arm from the elbow moving the dumbbell to the ceiling.

3. Bring it back down to the original position and repeat.

Reps – 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each.

Also Read: Shoulder Workouts

Ventral raises

1. Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Have your arms straight down in the front with the palms and weights (if any) facing inward.

2. Lift your arms forward, keeping them straight until they are parallel to the floor.

3. Bring them back down making sure they are still straight and repeat.

Reps – 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each (with weights), 20-25 reps (without weights)

Tricep extension to close row

This exercise works better with weights.

1. Stand with your feet hip distance apart and bend forward from your waist up to a point where your upper body is parallel to the floor.

2. Now pull your elbows upward until your palms and weights are closer to your shoulder.

3. Extend your arm back towards the ceiling.

4. Bring it back to the curl position and bring them down straight in front of you before you begin again.

Reps – 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each.

Chest press

1. Lie down flat on a yoga mat. Bend your knees and place your feet comfortably on the ground. Now lift your pelvis off the floor while your upper back and feet are firmly on the ground.

2. Bend your arms on your side and lift them up with your hands facing the ceiling.

3. Using your chest and shoulder blades, push your arms forward straightening them. Then bring them back.

Reps – 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each (with weights), 20-25 reps (without weights)

Tricep dips

1. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on a bench, chair or a raised platform while you are sitting on it.

2. Slide your butt off the front with your legs extended out in front of you, with the heels touching the floor.

3. Straighten your arms in a relaxed way so you use your triceps and not your elbow joints.

4. Bend your elbows slowly lowering your body to the floor until your elbows are almost parallel to the floor.

5. Once you reach the bottom or reach a place where you can’t move lower, take the support of the bench by pressing down on it with your palms while straightening your elbows, return to the starting position.

Reps – 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each.

Diamond pushups

1. Start with your hands under your shoulders and your body in one straight line flat on the floor.

2. Now lift your body off the floor, except your hands and toes for a regular pushup. Separate your feet so they’re about shoulder-width apart to help you stay balanced.

3. Place your hands together, so the tips of your index fingers and thumbs touching making a diamond shape.

4. Bend your elbows out and lower your chest toward the floor and then straighten your arms.

Reps – 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each.

Up and down plank

1. Start with your body in the plank position, where your forearm and elbows are flat on the floor along with the toes and the rest of your body is elevated and parallel to the floor.

2. Tuck your buttocks in and pull your core while you straighten your arm one-by-one, coming to a push-up position.

3. Bend your arms again and come back to the plank position.

Reps – 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each.

The Superman

1. Start with lying down flat on the floor on your stomach with even your forehead touching the floor.

2. Now pull in your core and lift your legs, arms, and face off the floor, while your abdomen is still on the floor.

3. Hold for 7-10 seconds and come back to the first position.

Reps – 2 sets of 10 reps each.

Go on. Flaunt those guns.

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