
We Hate Split Ends And We’re Here To Get Rid Of ‘Em…For Good

Nikita Upadhya  |  Jan 17, 2023
We Hate Split Ends And We’re Here To Get Rid Of ‘Em…For Good

If you’re sick of flyaways, frizz, and short-lived haircuts, you probably can’t think of anything worse than split ends. Split ends can truly ruin your day, whether you’re attempting to grow your hair out for a longer hairstyle or just want to keep your mane well-groomed and polished. And while split ends might not be totally avoidable, there’s a chance you’ve developed certain hair habits—like washing with a super-harsh shampoo—that aren’t doing your ends any favours.

In order to prevent and get rid of split ends, we investigated everything about them, including what causes them, how to prevent them, how to trim split ends, and the best split-end repair advice and hair care products. Continue reading to learn how to stop hair breakage, which causes split ends, and set forth on the journey to beautiful, healthy hair.

What Exactly Are Split Ends?


Knowing what you’re dealing with is crucial before getting into the specifics of how to treat split ends. Split ends essentially develop when the outermost cuticle layer of your hair deteriorates over time as a result of environmental causes as well as regular wear and tear. Consider overexposure to the sun, heat styling, chemical treatments, etc.

Split ends are frequently dry and brittle, making them easy to spot. Examine a single strand of hair to see if you can determine whether your strands are splitting. The end of the strand will have a few little breaks. They frequently resemble minuscule trees with branches growing in all directions.

What Causes Split Ends?


Split ends can be caused due to many reasons. Many of the hair care misconceptions you formerly believed to be true can really cause more harm than good. Look at these routine actions that could be causing your split ends.


Recall the adage about giving your hair 100 strokes a day of brushing? No, not at all! Experts advise avoiding brushing altogether because those 100 strokes might actually cause split ends.

Braided Hairstyles

Certain hairstyles—even heat-free ones—may ruin your hair in addition to the damage that can be done by heat styling. To be completely honest, wearing cornrows, ponytails, and various braided hairstyles on a regular basis can put stress on the hair and cause breakage.

Overusing Styling Tools

It goes without saying that using heat tools can harm your strands and result in split ends. Flat irons should only be used every other day on dry hair with a low or medium heat setting, according to experts. Similarly, curling irons should only be used for a limited amount of time.

How To Get Rid Of Split Ends?


How do you get rid of split ends? That’s the main dilemma. Unfortunately, cutting off your damaged ends is the only way to completely fix split ends. However, if you’re browsing social networking sites for directions on how to trim split ends, we must warn you that going to a salon is preferable to doing it yourself at home. The last thing you want is for your fix for damaged hair by giving yourself a terrible haircut!

Losing a little length doesn’t have to be a complete disaster, because you may take trimming your ends as an opportunity to try a new hairdo. The lob, also known as a long bob with a longer front and a shorter back, is a popular hairstyle right now. The best of both worlds is combined with the removal of unwanted, damaged hair.

Here Are 3 Ways To Prevent Split Ends


Opt For The Right Shampoo & Conditioner

When your hair is dry, damaged, and brittle, split ends will appear. Avoid this by choosing to include a moisturising shampoo and conditioner instead of using too many harsh hair care products. Moreover, we recommend you switch to conditioners that fight split ends and restore hair fibres.

Follow It Up With A Moisturising Hair Mask

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a hair mask that could nourish your tresses and heal split ends and other hair damage at the same time? There is, thankfully, one for all of us! This rinse-out hair mask is designed to repair split ends, weakness, rough texture, dull appearance, and dehydration. This potent and lavish treatment mask can restore your hair’s damaged strands in no time. Simply replace your conditioner with it a few times per week in your routine.

Switch Up Your Detangling Routine

Your initial reaction is undoubtedly to grab a paddle brush and brush your just-washed hair. However, wet hair is really more prone to damage, so when you brush out tangles after a shower, you’re actually promoting breakage. Wide-tooth combs can be used to gently comb through knots while your hair is still wet in place of using a brush to detangle knotted hair.

Ready to set on your healthy hair journey now?

Featured Image: Instagram

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