
10 Times Lilly Singh Was Superwoman Of The Year & How She Owned It

Somya Suresh  |  Dec 7, 2017
10 Times Lilly Singh Was Superwoman Of The Year & How She Owned It

Superwoman is a name we’re all too familiar with. Lilly Singh needs no introduction. She’s going places through her entertaining and affirmative VLogs. She has a book to her name – ‘How To Be A Bawse’ and has been garnering positive reviews from around the globe. It’s safe to say that Lilly Singh is an icon and, to a large extent, a role model to her fans and followers. I could go on to list the various ways that Singh has come forth to be the 2017 icon we all need and want. She’s funny, witty, creative, honest, conscious and has a heart of pure gold. Remember when she recently solved her Twitter followers’ problems just ’cause her VLog crossed a landmark? 

The Indian-born Canadian actively works towards and stands for women empowerment, without sensitising anything. She keeps it light and drives the point straight home! 

And she does it in the most badass way possible. Here’s at least ten times we wished we were as cool as the real Superwoman, a.k.a, Lilly Singh! 

1. When She Took A ‘Toss The Bra’ Challenge

Let’s face it; we all hate bras. They were probably invented by men who wanted to see our breasts look a certain way whilst making us extremely comfortable. Correct me if you want, but, I know I’m not wrong. And so, Superwoman just made decided to start a revolution to urge women to free their breasts from the salesman-imposed shackles of a bra! Her fans were sharing the video in no time and I’m guessing quite a few tossed the bra while they were at it! 

2. When She Reinvented How To Make A Sandwich

Women have been subjected to sexist comments about making and cooking food for the longest time. So Lilly just took to the internet to lay things to rest, once and for all. Her point: Why would you need a woman to make you a sandwich? It’s not that hard to do, you know. But, because men will be men, she created a tutorial for men to teach them like they’re five-year-olds. Don’t miss the sarcasm in her words; this was clearly what every woman was probably doing when their partners asked them to make a sandwich next time. 

3. Then, There Was That LEH Song

How to make a real dope R&B music video, without being pretentious, sexist, or unreal? Let the one and only Superwoman show you how it’s done. Word to the wise: You don’t need no heels to impress anyone! And while you’re at it, never stop learning, spread love and do what you love doing. 

4. She Told Us What Schools Should Really Teach 

In an eye-opening video, we learned – thanks to Superwoman – that schools teach us every ossible thing that we will definitely not be needing in life. Case in point: Algebra, trignometry, how amoeba reproduce. What we really needed to learn: how to survive on a budget, how to cook when we’re living alone and how to prepare for a job interview. No? 

5. Sex Therapy For Parents

One look at this video and you realise that this is literally, every Indian marriage. You will be laughing and peeling your eyes wide open when you watch Lilly Singh be so bold and funny without being crass. We need more such videos! 

6. She Said It’s Okay To ‘Suck At Sitting’

Is there a right way to sit? Lilly Singh thinks not and we agree! She lists out the many ways that sitting is basically awkward for women. It’s funny, relatable and well, same, Lilly, same! 

7. The Real Way People Go Clubbing!

An honest account of what happens when people go clubbing, according to Lilly Singh. This is so real, it’s hilarious. She shows the number of ways we make such a big deal out of clubbing and, well, the pressure of “looking good” for it.  

8. When She Was Literally The Best Person, Ever

Is there anything Lilly Singh can’t do? She had us all in tears while watching her acceptance speech for the VH1 Best First Person Series Award. The speech was loved by all her fans and her followers for it was a brutally honest yet super inspiring.  

9. Her #GirlLove Campaign

Lilly Singh’s #GirlLove campaign was all about women uplifting women. This world has enough hate as it is for women to hate on women and add to the unfairness of the whole situation. Lilly Singh, after having learned that her audience is largely female – 84% of her 7 million followers – decided to use her platform to encourage women friendships. Really, who even does that? Given that we have so many women celebrities in our own country, how many of them are actually using their status and popularity to bring more good to society? 

10. And Finally… Her Book Was Inspo 101

‘How To Be A Bawse’ by Lilly Singh should be on every girl’s reading list. It’s not about being “bossy” as much as it is about getting what you deserve and knowing how to fight for it. 

In a world full of popular celebrities who are full of themselves, Lilly Singh is the only Unicorn we want to be like! 

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