
Dear Boyfriend, THIS Is Why You Need Me In Your Life!

Neha Gupta  |  May 5, 2016
Dear Boyfriend, THIS Is Why You Need Me In Your Life!

Dear Boyfriend,

I fell in love with you, with all of you, and I don’t think I can ever get enough of you. Not enough of your smiles, or your jokes, or your love. I want to be there for you in every twist and turn life throws your way, and I want to walk beside you in every major decision you make. So, baby, you’re lucky to have me because you’ll always find me by your side, come what may…



1. I’ll cheer away your Monday morning blues

While you’d still be warm from last night’s sleep, and wouldn’t want to show your face at work, I’ll remind you of the dreams you’ve seen with eyes wide open, and inspire you to get up and go catch them.

2. I’ll help you lighten up on some busy Tuesday afternoon

I’ll sneak in for a quick coffee break, take you out, make you laugh and leave you lighter with a tight hug packed with oodles of strength to help you get past through the work and stress of the day.

3. I’ll stay up with you on any tired Wednesday night

On nights, when you’ll have too many assignments to finish and deadlines to meet – I’ll be there on the other side of the call, staying awake along with you. We’ll pull an all nighter, chatting and finishing the mountain load of work together!

4. I’ll have your back on all rough Thursdays

On days when you doubt yourself and may have trouble believing in your own power – I’ll hold your hand, and show you all the opportunities that lie in front of you, and remind you of the courage you’ve shown in the past. I’ll be your biggest cheerleader, and will fight the world for you.

5. I’ll be your best friend on Friday evenings…

And will take you out dancing, and will sing along with you. We’ll call up some friends and drink it up and just let ourselves loose after a hectic week. We will celebrate life like there is no tomorrow!

6. And on weekends, I’ll cuddle with you and make you feel loved like never before…

We’ll just lie in bed and have a movie marathon. Maybe I’ll cook for you, or maybe I’ll drag you into the kitchen with me. We’ll fight and we’ll make up and we’ll just be our lazy, crazy selves together. And I’ll prepare you for another week, and walk with you, once again, through every step.

GIFs: Giphy, Tumblr

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