
Quarantine Checklist: Essentials You Should Stock Up On (But Not Hoard)

khushboo sharma  |  Mar 16, 2020
Quarantine Checklist: Essentials You Should Stock Up On (But Not Hoard)

By now all of you must have seen ample memes floating around on the shortage of toilet paper in the US amidst all the COVID-19 scares. And while all of it might seem funny to you for a while, the phenomenon actually shows us the reality of the current global health crisis. We are all anxious and the worse part is that we are all unprepared. Consequently, many of us may randomly hoard on things as we freak out after hearing coronavirus updates every now and then. 

Unprecedented as the virus might be, the current chaos requires you to slow down and reflect before you go about making rash decisions, hoarding on unnecessary goods being one of them. But don’t worry, we’re here to assist you with the isolation preparations. Here’s a list of all the essentials that you might need during the social distancing period and this should come in handy in the coming week. Read on to know about all the essentials you need to stock on:

Non-Perishable Edibles


You must have already heard of people stocking up on milk, vegetables, and we don’t think there is a need for us to point out that milk or veggies may not last for long. Instead of packing and purchasing unnecessary items, make a shopping list based on what you’d need in the coming days and then shop accordingly. Focus on edible items that last and won’t go wasted even if the social distancing period ends in a couple of weeks or less. Aim for food staples like rice, pulses, flours, poha, pasta. You can also stock up the spices if you are low on any of them. Also, purchase a batch of dry fruits and frozen fruits and veggies. However, keep it fun as you go about purchasing staples and jazz up your shopping list a little by adding some chocolates, popcorns, chips, dips. They’ll come in handy during some mad craving days. We say stock up but make it fun!

Everyday Essentials


While everyday items like toothpaste, soap might not seem that important right now, you’d feel really helpless if you run out on any one of them during the social distancing time. Right from shampoos to your toilet cleaner, everything needs to be stocked on. 

Basic Medication

What do you think is the most important lesson that the COVID-19 outbreak must have taught us? Strange as it might sound, the novel coronavirus has shown us the mirror by telling us that we are not as hygienic as we tend to think. I mean, didn’t most of us learn that we should scrub and wash our hands at least 20 seconds just a few weeks ago? Well, accept it or deny it, the trust remains that the 20-second hand wash rule can literally save lives. It is highly advisable to purchase sanitisers (but only as much as you need and not the entire supermarket rack because that’s just plain selfish), disinfectant sprays, alcohol wipes, and the good old Dettol.

Work From Home Basics


Since a part of your house would literally be converted into your workplace for some time, it’s only smart that you prepare accordingly. Now it might sound too much but set up a corner with a comfortable chair and table if you don’t have one already. Trust us, this would make things way easier for you. Additionally, you can also get a planner, some stick-on notes, and something close to what your work table has so as to stay organised and motivated during the WFH days. Most importantly, ensure that your internet and electronic devices are working just fine, and raise your concerns to your office or replace them yourself if you see a need for it.

Fitness Essentials


There’s no way we are giving up on fitness. In fact, social distancing can prove to be the best time to work on your goals now that you are not going to eat any junk food from outside. And while your gym and fitness classes must be closed for the time being, there are other ways to workout at home. For instance, you can work out with a skipping rope in case you can’t do without good, heavy-duty cardio. Or try your hand at some no-equipment workouts.

Leisure Supplies


The fact that going to public gatherings and parties right now is a terrible idea has been well-illustrated to us. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun at home. And scary as it might be, if you think about it, the pandemic has literally made us rethink our lives and introduced us to alternate ways of doing things. This is a big break from our buzzing social lives and instead of ruing it, we can make it memorable by spending some quality time with family. You can perhaps spend time playing Uno, Zenga, Ludo or other interesting board games. Think of how you used to spend time with your family before you got really busy and find ways of rekindling those days. Lastly, a little wine can go a long way and thus it is always advisable to stock on the best of reds, whites, or whatever your jam is. And as you go about stocking up your social distancing essentials remember that you are in this with everyone else around you. Stock up wisely, don’t hoard and help those in need!

Featured Image: Instagram

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