
Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Facial Waxing

Rashmita Srinivas  |  Jan 11, 2017
Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Facial Waxing

Let’s face it, all of us girls have some embarrassing facial hair problem or the other. Be it our sidelocks, upper lip or stray hair on the chin, we’ve all been there! Deciding to wax your face may seem like a bold step, but there are many who swear by it. Every hair removal technique has its pros and cons and so does facial waxing. If done right, the pros will certainly outweigh the cons, so, keep reading to know everything you need to know before getting your face waxed!

The Ultimate Guide to Facial Waxing

1. The right kind of wax

Picking a wax that suits your skin type is crucial to long-lasting favourable results. Choose from regular wax, chocolate wax and Persian wax. Persian wax is a sugaring method which doesn’t involve using a cloth or paper strip but the wax is rolled up by hand after being applied to the face removing any hair in its way. This is excellent for those with sensitive skin. If your skin isn’t sensitive you can experiment and figure out what works best.

2. Medication can affect your waxing results

Topical acne medication can often cause thinning of the skin which may lead to increased sensitivity, peeling and irritation because of facial waxing. Many antibiotics can also cause reactions, so, check up with your doctor beforehand to avoid any mishaps.

3. Avoid double dipping

The process of dipping the wax stick back into the wax after it has been used once can pile on bacteria causing all sorts of reactions. Always insist on a new wooden spatula for each application because no matter how high end the spa, you always run the risk of an infection if you double dip.

4. The redness factor after waxing

How red will my skin be? This is always on our minds when it comes to hair removal. Since the skin on your face is thinner than the rest of your body, it is very likely that your skin will be slightly red for a few hours post waxing. However, it should ideally subside within 12-24 hours, depending on how sensitive your skin is. If it doesn’t then you may need to seek medical attention. To be safe, don’t wax just before a big event because you don’t want redness to ruin your look and you shouldn’t be applying makeup on it to cover it up.

Also, be extra sure that the wax isn’t too hot before it is applied to your face. The skin on your face is more sensitive than the rest of your body, the wax for your face shouldn’t be as hot as what you can handle on your legs. You don’t want to end up with a burn!

5. Does waxing my face hurt?

We’re not going to lie, facial waxing does hurt! The skin on your face is more sensitive and delicate than the rest of your body so naturally, waxing will pain somewhat. But it’s nothing that you won’t get used to over time

6. How long do the results of the waxing last?

Depends on the thickness of your hair, to begin with, but, mostly between 2-6 weeks. In any case, the results last way longer than any other methods of temporary hair removal.

7. Is it just redness or a reaction?

A mild redness is felt by most people after a wax but when does it require medical attention? If your redness or itchiness lasts more than 24 hours or seems to get worse progressively, speak to your dermatologist who may be able to prescribe antibiotics or topical ointments to help tackle the reaction.

8. Is DIYing it the way to go?

Mostly not, unless you’re a pro yourself! DIY waxing for the body may be doable but since you can’t see your face without looking into a mirror, it may not be as precise. A trained aesthetician knows the direction in which the wax has to be applied, how hot the wax should be, what type of strips to use and what aftercare is recommended. Knowing these things is crucial before you mess around with your face. Leave this one to the pros instead of trying it yourself!

9. Prepping is key to smooth waxing

Always and forever! Clean, exfoliate and moisturise well so that your skin hydrated and well prepped for a wax. This will help the hair come out more smoothly. Prepping well also helps prevent a bad reaction.

10. Skip exfoliation for a few days after facial waxing

You won’t miss it, trust us! Waxing exfoliates your skin anyways leaving it smooth and soft so you don’t need to exfoliate for a few days after. You’ll be doing your skin a favour as it may be a bit tender right after the wax so just nourish it instead.

11. Aftercare can make or break your results

Aftercare is as important as prepping to ensure your skin handles facial waxing well and to prolong the results. Rub an ice cube right after the wax to calm your skin and tighten any open pores caused due to the hot wax. Now tone using an alcohol-free toner, one preferably with chamomile as it works wonders to calm any redness and irritation. Follow up with a heavy duty moisturiser to seal in moisture. Make sure your nurture your skin well and skip alcohol-based products for a few days so that your skin doesn’t feel stripped. Aloe vera gel or rose water can also be used post wax to soothe your freshly waxed skin.

12. Will facial waxing cause breakouts?

If you have acne or are very prone to breakouts, you should consider threading or laser instead of waxing your face. Also, if your skin is extremely sensitive or more prone to irritation than it is wise to consult a dermatologist before booking your waxing appointment.

We hope we have covered everything you need to know about facial waxing. Don’t worry, it’s actually quite simple, and makes your face look great. Just be sure to keep these pointers in mind and you shall be A-Okay.

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