
7 Things People Say You Mustn’t Do On Your Period, But You CAN!

Sharon Alphonso  |  Aug 11, 2016
7 Things People Say You Mustn’t Do On Your Period, But You CAN!

Say you have a really bad headache and no one bats an eye, right?! But as soon as you say you’re on your chums…everyone loses their minds! Ladies, getting your periods can be a total bummer, but the funny part is, everyone seems to have an opinion about it. Before their mindless babbles influence your thoughts, here are 7 things you can totally do like a girl boss. More power to you!

1. Don’t shy away from sleepovers with your favourite girls!

Menstrual synchrony on some levels may be true. It states that women who live, work, eat, sleep and hang out together – their period cycles will eventually get synced. Just so you know, this doesn’t happen in just one night – and even if it did, you both can be moody together! So get your slumber party hats on, because you’re going to dance the night away with your favourite girl gang and watch chick flicks and maybe cry a bit – it’s all good!

2. You can totally wear a tampon if you’re still a virgin…

Many people believe that wearing tampons can break a girl’s hymen. That’s why many consider pads to be a safer option. All you have to do is read the instructions and be careful, and you will not hurt or damage yourself down there.

Also read: “WHY Is This Happening?!” 9 Period Problems Every Girl Faces!

3. You can run, jump, exercise and even swim on your period, woman!

While getting a good night’s rest is important, stepping outside is good for you too. Use a tampon and you need not shy away from a soothing swim! In fact, the more up and about you are – the less your cramps will hurt and your mood will improve too!

4. You can have all the sex you want 😉

Safe sex is always good sex, yes, even when you’re on your period. Just FYI girls, did you know that sperms can live inside of you for 3-5 days? So, once the ovulation process begins, there’s a proper chance of you getting pregnant if you skip protection. So take note ladies!

5. You can wash your hair and don’t forget to take a hot shower!

Some may say that taking a hot shower and washing your hair may increase the flow down there. We fail to see the logic in this one, but anyway, you can wash your hair, and take a hot shower as often as you like. It will boost your mood and make your body squeaky clean.

6. Wear white like a boss!

You don’t have to stick to dark colours just because you’re on your period. With the proper feminine product, you can wear white (like in all those ads!) without worrying about staining it. The longer and wider the pad, the better the chances of not staining your outfit. And even better option would be to opt for a tampon in this case!

Also read: 7 Times In Life That Your Period Did You A Favour!! *Wink*

7. Eat to your heart’s content!

Although you may crave chocolate, cheese and all those sinfully yummy treats, make sure you’re eating appropriate portions of them. Limit your dose of caffeine, sugar and salt, and you’ll feel instantly healthier and light. Eat your veggies, drink a good jug of water and relish in eating as many fruits as you can!

GIFs: Giphy

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