
To Lob Or Not? 9 Things To Consider Before Chopping Off Your Hair

Priyanka Ghura  |  May 6, 2016

If you’ve had long hair for years then you know the amount of effort that goes in the upkeep of your mane. With the summer heat upon us, it’s the perfect time to reinvent yourself with a liberating, shorter hairstyle to stay cool and oh-so-chic. We can’t get enough of the hairstyle of the moment – the long bob aka the LOB, so go ahead and pull a Sonakshi, Freida or even a Kim K with the stylish crop. But here are a few things to consider before you chop off your mane. Yes, go on and do it, but only after you’ve read this through!

1. Consider Your Texture

The LOB works for all face shapes and hair of any texture as long as it’s cut right. A short, blunt cut is great for fine hair as it brings much-needed volume to your mane, while going short with thick hair can get rid of all that heaviness and make it much lighter. An angled cut and plenty of thinning can help make you rock the cut like a total diva. And contrary to popular belief, even curly-haired girls can rock a refreshing LOB; your stylist would just need to layer it to avoid that triangular shape that those kinks always take when cropped short.

2. It Cuts Styling Time and Effort In Half

We’re emotionally attached to our long strands, and cutting it all off could make you feel weirdly incomplete and naked at first – but when you get used to how much easier it is to style and manage, you’re going to feel happier than ever. All that blow-drying will be done in half the time, you’ll be out of the door much sooner, and your arms won’t be as tired as usual. Seriously, it’ll make you wonder why you never went short earlier.

3. Ditch Your Old Tools

With shorter hair, you may need to switch to different sizes when it comes to your tools. A large curling iron or straightener would be very difficult to use with your new short length, so it’s smarter to get a smaller size. Also, you may want to trade up that large paddle brush since you don’t have as much hair as before.

4. But It Will Still Take Effort To Look Great

Sure, your hair won’t require as much time to dry and style, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t take effort to look fabulous – that would be too good to be true! The products you use and the way you style it will be a whole new routine to get used to and learn to master. Don’t worry, your stylist will show you just what you need to get it to look good without having to visit the salon. Just make sure you ask, and take notes if necessary.

5. Your Hair Won’t Behave At First, But It Will Eventually!

Your on-trend do will look ultra-glam when you walk out of your salon and will help you feel like a million bucks. But that will last till the first wash. After that, just like you will need a little time to get used to seeing your new avatar in the mirror, your hair too will take some time to get used to this new do. When you get a new haircut, especially a drastic one, it takes your strands a few days and a few washes to settle into the new growth pattern and style. Just be a little patient and tweak your hair regime to suit your new look.

6. You Will Have To Visit The Salon More Frequently

If you love your edgy new cut and want to keep it, then you need to visit the salon more often than when you had long hair – you will need frequent cuts to maintain the length and the shape. Be prepared for a little upkeep and maintenance so your style stays as sleek and gorgeous as ever. This would include splurging a bit, but it will keep your mane looking amazing for a very long time.

7. It Will Take A While To Grow Back

Cutting your hair is a time commitment as it won’t grow back overnight, but will be a long and slow process. Decide whether you’re sure about this and have envisioned how you will look after the cut before sitting in the stylist’s chair. Remember, you can cut off a few inches and then see if you would like to go shorter, just to be on the safe side.

8. No More Quickly Pulling Your Hair Back…

Your messy bun, easy ponytails and cute braids will be harder to do with your short hair, so you need to be prepared to say goodbye to these bad hair remedies. Instead, cute hairbands, a half ponytail and braided bangs can be your go-to on a day when you don’t feel like styling your mane.

9. But Just Imagine How Much Shampoo You Will Save!

Short hair means you would need to use much less shampoo in the shower, which works out quite economically for you. And it’s not just shampoo – all your expensive hair products will definitely last you way longer than they did with your super-long locks!

Celeb images: Viral Bhayani and Instagram


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