Bridal Skincare

Bridal Beauty 101: Here’s What Might Be Damaging Your Skin!

Sharon Alphonso  |  Aug 11, 2016
Bridal Beauty 101: Here’s What Might Be Damaging Your Skin!

Just like your outfit, your skin too needs to look flawless on your wedding day. No matter how great of a job the parlour lady/ makeup artist does, having a clear, glowing complexion is in your hands. Certain common habits could be damaging your skin without you even knowing. Here are 10 things that could be damaging your skin before you wedding day. (You’re welcome!)

1. Have you been sleeping with makeup on?

You will not only ruin the sheets, but you’ll also damage your skin. You see, ladies, makeup not only clogs your pores, but also traps dirt and bacteria in your skin. This could lead to acne and that’s not what any bride would want to deal with before her big day.

2. Hot showers ain’t too good for you, honey

Hot showers can totally be a stressbuster for the bride-to-be. It’s relaxing and can calm your nerves and tired muscles. However, the same can’t be said about your skin. Exposing your skin to hot water strips the outer layer of moisture and makes it dry, scaly, itchy and red. Make sure you bathe with room temperature water and don’t forget to moisturize after.

Also read: 7 Amazing Natural Face Masks – Get That Bridal Glow AT HOME!

3. Talking on your phone for eternity and beyond

We get it, you’re a busy bride. Phone call after phone call needs to get done to make sure everything goes smoothly on the big day. Just try to keep distance from your screen as it tends to get covered with bacteria. This could lead to breakouts and itchiness. You can either use antibacterial wipes to clean your screen or use a hands-free set instead.

4. Drinking way too many cups of coffee

We agree that drinking coffee can perk your mood right up, but it doesn’t do the same for your skin. Caffeine may keep you up and active, but it eventually takes a toll on your delicate skin. It’s known to cause fine lines, wrinkles and dry out skin. After every cup of coffee, make sure you drink a glass of water. This will keep your skin hydrated.  

5. Popping those zits like a pro

Although this may seem like a quick solution, it sadly isn’t. As much fun and mildly painful zit popping may be, you must know that while popping a zit, you’re actually pushing more bacteria and dirt into the pore. This is what causes more breakouts. Best is to leave them alone and let nature take care of it.

6. Overdoing it with the exfoliation

Regularly exfoliating your skin is amazing! It helps remove layers of dead skin cells, makes your face glow and look squeaky clean. Overdoing it is where the real problem lies. It takes that healthy glow away and wipes out your skin’s natural oils.

7. Skipping important meals

If you wouldn’t starve yourself, why would you starve your skin?! Never skip meals as they deprive your skin of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Opt for foods that are rich in vitamins B3, D, C and E. The more colourful your plate is, the more happier your skin will be. 😉

Also read: 9 Amazing Skin Brightening Oils For That Radiant, Bridal Glow!

8. Not getting enough of beauty rest

You’re the bride, remember? You need your beauty sleep more than anyone else. Eight hours of sleep is the minimum we’re talking about here. Sleep naturally helps clear pores and replaces the top layer of skin with new and fresh skin cells. Not catching up on enough rest can clog pores and make your skin dull.

9. Stressing out like a bridezilla!

Shaadis entail a lot of planning and running around. That’s exactly why they’re so memorable. Every bride freaks out, but the key here is to learn to chill out. Stress takes a massive toll on your complexion. It makes the skin dull, lifeless and leads to blemishes and acne. Our advice – don’t worry, be happy. 🙂

10. Waxing or shaving too often is not the best idea

Both these hair removal methods may seem very effective, but we urge you take special care of your skin. Waxing and shaving both have the tendency of making skin bumpy, rough and pokey! The best solution is to apply a dollop of moisturizer on your skin after you shave or wax. This will hydrate your skin, and make it supple and baby soft.

Images: Shutterstock

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