
#HeSays: 7 Things Guys Secretly Wonder About Their Girlfriends!

POPxo Man  |  May 5, 2016
#HeSays: 7 Things Guys Secretly Wonder About Their Girlfriends!

We realize that we might not ever completely understand women. Even after years of knowing them, there may still be many unsolved mysteries. While we do also love them for these, here are some things we just can’t help wondering about our girlfriends. (Secretly, of course!)

1. How she really feels about our sex life

Some things we just wonder because we’re unsure if we’re going to like the answer. Like, if she thinks our sex life could use some improvement or if she thinks it would be more than she wants handle…we do wonder what she really thinks quite a lot.

2. Why she hangs out with “friends” she can’t tolerate

We should have given up on ever understanding their friendships by now, but we still end up trying to figure it out now and then. Women can go off on a rant about someone but make plans with the same friend for later in the evening. Did we genuinely miss something here?!

3. Does she fantasize about other men?

Like we mentioned previously, not entirely sure we want to know this either. Sure, it’s totally natural for this to happen (till the time they are just harmless fantasies) – we get that. But knowing for certain would definitely hurt our ego a bit, so we’re better off not knowing.

4. What she thinks about our looks

While we don’t want our ladies to think that we’re vain, we also don’t want them to think we don’t put any effort at all into our appearance. And since fishing for compliments isn’t something that comes naturally to us, we just keep wondering about this until the next compliment comes along.

5. If we are better than her ex…especially in bed

Yes, this might not be fair of us to ask (which is exactly why we don’t), but you can’t blame us for wondering about it, especially if your previous relationship was a serious one. We do wish we didn’t, but it can’t be helped. We’re only human, after all.

6. Why she can’t just say what she’s really thinking!

It’s basically a universal thing that women don’t always say what they mean. But why not? If something is bothering them or making them uncomfortable, why can’t they just tell us WHAT it is so that we aren’t left completely clueless?!

7. How she always manages to look so amazing…

All said and done, we love them for all their little quirks. But the thing that we wonder most is how they end up looking so amazing all the damn time. They could be lounging in their pajamas while still looking absolutely perfect (at least to us, even if not to themselves). We just don’t get it!!

Images: Tumblr, Shutterstock

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