
Love Your Body: The Ultimate Body Care Ritual To Follow If You Miss The Spa

Aayushi Pareek  |  Jul 15, 2020
Love Your Body: The Ultimate Body Care Ritual To Follow If You Miss The Spa

Showing our body some love is such an underrated concept. Our notion of body care usually involves treating ourselves to a spa/salon day on a weekend, and that’s about it. But since it’s not safe to step out at the moment, what can we do to give our body the TLC it deserves? Are you giving yourself a DIY home spa day from time to time are you simply just not giving it much thought because you’d rather give it professional treatment? 

Well, we don’t believe that you should deprive your body of some self-care just because you’re stuck at home.

Love Your Body, Babe!

Love the skin you are in. Period. Our religious skincare regimen should extend to our beautiful bodies too. No, just moisturising it after a hot shower is not gonna make the cut. Treat your self to a day full of self-care activities, but just for your body! Here’s what you can do to pamper your body at home:

Hair Be Gone

If having smooth, hairless skin makes you feel sexy, then we see no reason why you shouldn’t continue to do it just because you’re stuck at home. After all, making yourself feel good is more important than doing it for the sake of other people. So, take an extra 15 minutes in the shower use an epilator or a razor to get rid of your fuzz. Wash it off and slather your body with oils and lotions!

Oh, and if you prefer your body with it’s natural fuzz, then keep it that way! The whole point is to do what makes YOU feel good.

Bathe And Exfoliate

We often hop into a shower, wash our body using a shower gel and we’re done. Um, no gurl! Just like you spend dolla dolla bills (okay fine, rupee notes)on those facial scrubs to exfoliate your face, spend some time to exfoliate your body too.

– Start by dry brushing; use a body dry brush on your body to do gentle stroke towards your heart. Usually going about 2-3 times over an area, brush your entire body (minus the face) in a clockwise motion. Do this technique once a week and before getting in the shower, followed by a super hydrating moisturizer. It’ll not only exfoliate your body by getting rid of dead skin cells but will also boost circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system, which helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.

– Another way is using a body scrub: While taking a shower, take a generous amount of body scrub and use it all over your body to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin. It’ll also help your body glow from within and I bet you wouldn’t stop touching it all day long. Do not forget to lock in the moisture with a body lotion.

Hello Hydration

How many creams or serums are you using on your face to ensure that it’s protected and remains hydrated? I for one, use about three creams, two serums, and one facial spray and that’s just for hydration! And don’t forget the SPF!

Why not double moisturize your body with oils and serums, just like your face! After slathering your body with a body lotion, apply body butter, serums and even oils. It’ll not only keep the dryness at bay but will also recharge your skin.

So, are we ready to show our body some love?

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