
5 Hair Brushing Tips That Women With Gorgeous Locks Swear By!

Sharon Alphonso  |  Sep 15, 2020
5 Hair Brushing Tips That Women With Gorgeous Locks Swear By!



Some women are blessed with silky, smooth locks. It often makes the rest of us wonder what kind of products they use on their hair to achieve that shine and bounce? Maybe it’s not the products, but the hairbrush that is doing all the magic! You see, women with good hair have a different approach to brushing. Today, we’re going to learn the correct way to brush our hair. 

5 Hair Brushing Tips To Learn From Women With Gorgeous Locks!


Let’s get right to it!

They Choose A Brush Based On Their Hair Type


Women with gorgeous locks invest in hairbrushes based on their hair’s texture and type. Curly-haired women like to use paddle brushes and wide-tooth combs because it makes the detangling process easier. Women with fine and limp hair use boar-bristle brushes as they help to add volume. And, women who have bangs and short hair like using round brushes with boar bristles as it helps to smoothen and tame unruly bangs. Thus, finding the perfect hairbrush requires knowing your hair type first. 

They Use Clean Hairbrushes



They clean their brushes once every two weeks ‘coz they know for a fact that unclean hairbrushes contain product residue, debris, dirt, oil and bacteria on them. Using unclean hairbrush transfers all the gunk onto the scalp. To clean it, simply soak your hairbrush in water mixed with baby shampoo. Use your fingers to scrub the dirt off between the bristles and after 5 minutes, rinse it with lukewarm water. Leave the brush to air dry for an hour and then, it’s ready to use!

They Never Brush Dripping Wet Hair


Compared to dry hair, wet hair is weaker. Women with good hair avoid combing wet hair as it causes hair damage and breakage. They first wipe their hair with a microfiber towel to absorb excess water and later, allow it to air dry for 10-15 minutes. Gently brushing damp hair improves the texture of the locks and prevents hair loss. 

They Always Use A De-Tangling Product



Women with curly hair usually swear by this hair brushing tip. They never comb their hair without applying a conditioning cream or de-tangling spray first. This helps to smoothen and define their curls in the best way possible. 

They Know The Right Direction To Comb The Hair


While most of us brush our hair from to the roots to the ends, women with good hair, start from the ends and slowly make their way upwards to the scalp. This method prevents tangles and hair breakage. For a smoother brushing experience, apply a serum on damp hair before brushing it. Thank us later!


Hope you found these hair brushing tips helpful and will keep them in mind the next time you pick up your brush. 

Also Read: Makeup brush cleaner  

Featured Image: Shutterstock

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