
The Best Things about Dating Your High-School Sweetheart Even as an Adult!

Sharon Alphonso  |  May 6, 2016

Isn’t it a beautiful feeling to find true love at an early stage of life? Someone who’s grown up seeing the best and worst of you, taken on life’s challenges with you and supported you right through your journey. Indeed, ladies, love like this is wonderful, yet rare. If you found your soulmate as a teenager, hold on to him tight – the man’s a keeper. Here are some of the best things about dating your high-school sweetheart even as an adult!

1. He Knows You Like an Open Book

Since the two of you have practically grown up together, he knows everything about you. Your choice of friends, your likes, your mood swings, your thoughts – he understands you completely. It’s like the two of you are the same person but in different bodies. If it comes to describing the concept of a soulmate, your relationship would be the best example!

2. You Can Be the Real You

When you’re with him, you don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. He makes you feel comfortable just the way you are. It’s the phase where the need to “impress” him is long past. Since you’ve been there, done that, you’re pretty much ahead than most couples.

3. You Have a Long History Together

Let’s say your relationship feels like it may not make it to the next level… But, unlike other couples, yours has a deeper past. One governed with strong emotions and memories. Taking that into consideration, it’s easier to talk things through and sort it all out rather than breaking up!

4. Your Conversation Flow Never Runs Dry

You two have studied together, had mutual friends, and probably even broken up and got back together a few times. The bottom line: you’ve created memories with each experience. That is enough to keep the conversation between the two of you alive. Sometimes silence and distance also does good for your relationship. Since you’re extremely comfortable in your relationship, you don’t need to talk every single day to assure yourselves whether the stability of your relationship is still intact. That’s the beauty of being with each other for years!

5. More Than a Couple, the Both of You are Best Friends!

A bond that’s mended with comfort, laughter and love, is one worth treasuring. Physical intimacy is not your prime focus, it’s got to do more with understanding. Since the two of you started off as friends, your level of understanding of each other is far greater than most couple’s. You know that even when no one’s got your back, your partner will always be waiting with open arms to shelter you from the storm. That’s what friends do – they can take a bullet for each other.

6. You’ve Already Got to Know His Folks!

His mom, dad and his pet parakeet- you know all of them! Your parents even met during your open-house day. Thus, deciding whether they make a good future family for you just got easier. You know how they think, their set of values, and the kind of things they expect from people. If you ever decide to tie the knot with your man, you’re going to have a way easier time fitting in with his family!

7. Secrets and Insecurities Cease to Exist in Your Relationship

You know this person for very long now, you know their level of loyalty towards you, and you also know that they love you too much to ever wilfully hurt your feelings. In your relationship, the quality of trust is enviable. There is harmony present in your bond, and the both of you understand the importance of personal space. What more could you possibly desire for the well-being of your relationship? Stay blessed, the two of you!


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