
Team POPxo Shares Their *Bizarre* Experiences With Gynaecologists That’ll Leave You Shook

Shagun Marwah  |  Jul 12, 2019
Team POPxo Shares Their *Bizarre* Experiences With Gynaecologists That’ll Leave You Shook

It’s very normal to indulge in casual conversations when you’re visiting your gynaecologist. In fact, the more open and honest you are, the easier it is getting all your concerns sorted out. But though it’s okay for you to shed your inhibitions, it may not be so cool when your gynaecologist starts getting carried away or let’s just say, a teensy-bit unprofessional. As if getting your intimate parts subjected to scrutiny isn’t dreadful enough, it sucks when they end up making you feel awkward, weird or downright mortified. While some days, you may feel great about your body after having an informative chat with your gynaecologist, on others, you may decide not to step a foot inside her/his clinic for a while. Or in some cases – ever.

Are You Curious To Know Why?

From the most cringe-worthy and awkward incidents to facing judgemental remarks and lack of professionalism, we asked our team at POPxo to share some of the most bizarre things that their gynaecologists might have said or done to them. Read on to find out!


“She Would Have To Call My Parents…”

This gynaecologist I once went to for a routine check-up told me that I was “too young to be so sexually active”. I was 25 years old at that time! She also said that in case I ever got pregnant, she would have to “call my parents” because I was unmarried.

– Tanya Sharma, Junior Editor

“I Think That’s Where I Lost My Virginity!”

I had a UTI in college and didn’t want to involve my mother. So, I got an appointment with the local gynaecologist in the area and just decided to go there by myself. While it wasn’t something she said – it was actually, what she DID that freaked me out. She assumed that I was sexually active and inserted this giant probe into me to examine “the situation” down there – a little too much. I think that’s where I lost my virginity.

– Nidhi Kavle, Deputy Features Editor


“Let Her Have A Baby, She’ll Be Okay…”

I used to suffer from dysmenorrhea but instead of helping me understand that and suggesting a remedy, my gynaecologist first told my mother, “oh when she’ll turn 14, she’ll be okay.”, the next gynac declared, “let her get married, she’ll be okay” and another one said “let her have a baby, she’ll be okay”. Basically, I was supposed to wait till I did all those things and then ‘hope’ that it’ll all be okay. So from 11 to 18 years of age, I suffered every month with high fever, labour-pain like cramps, vomiting, missed many school days/exams, ended up popping 6-8 painkillers a day and was almost always unable to travel on those days. At 18, we consulted a gynaecologist overseas and he finally prescribed the right medication and told us the right diagnosis which turned around my life completely.

– Ruchira Bose, Head of Content

“Why Do You Young Girls Have So Much Of Sex?”

Once, I went for a consultation because I felt like I was experiencing the symptoms of a UTI. I told the gynaecologist about all that I was facing and the first thing she asked was, “Are you married?”. I wasn’t expecting this question, so I took a few seconds to answer her. But before I could, she blurted, “Why do you young girls have so much of sex?”. I was super pissed off and got up to leave her room, there and then. But before I walked away, I just turned around and said, “By the way, I AM married!”. Then, I consulted another gynaecologist who made me feel super comfortable instead of being so judgemental.

– Ekta Alreja, Trending Editor


“Your Stretch Marks Look Awful!”

When my sister was pregnant, I decided to accompany her to the gynaecologist one day. Her emotions were already running high, thanks to mood swings and painful labour contractions. And then, this gynaecologist went ahead and made a snotty remark like “Woah! Your stretch marks look awful. Don’t you feel like doing anything about them? Do you want them to stay permanent?” Well, that was enough for her to witness my sister’s ‘death stare’. She decided to change her gynaecologist and never went back to that clinic!

– Chhavi Porwal, Junior Editor

“I Am Like Your Real Mother, beta. Mujhe Haq Hain!”

Our family doctor had always been our gynaecologist and frankly, we trusted her the most. In fact, we used to call her Dr Aunty from the beginning because she was the one who delivered me and my sister. Although she’s an amazing doctor, she does tend to get a bit carried away – like the way you would with your own family members. In the past, whenever I went to her for some checkup, she would tease me in a way like she was trying to say, “I know what you did last night” or “You’ve grown up so fast.”. Once, when I was getting my lady parts checked and felt shy about it, she pulled my cheeks (as tightly as aunties would) and said, “I birthed you. I am like your real mother, beta. Mujhe haq hain”. Sweet but creepy!

– Manasvi Jaitly, Assistant Editor


“Have You Been Sexually Active With Someone?”

I didn’t face it myself but saw it happening to my cousin sister. She was really young and had missed her periods for a month or two but thankfully, didn’t face any serious issues. She still decided to visit a gynaecologist with massi just to ensure that everything was alright. Before she could even begin to identify the problem or attempt to understand its possibilities, the first question that her gynaecologist asked was, “Have you been sexually active with someone?”. That too, in a tone that could have easily scared anybody! My massi got furious while my sister couldn’t help but be frightened for no reason. No wonder they left in a jiffy!

– Supriya Srivastava, Sr. Hindi Editor

So, have you ever had any such weird experiences with your gynaecologist? If so, let us know!

Featured Image Credits: Burst.shopify

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