
7 Things You *Think* Are Good For Your Skin But Are NOT!!

Sanya Jain  |  Aug 11, 2016
7 Things You *Think* Are Good For Your Skin But Are NOT!!

Not all that glitters is gold – and not everything that you thought good for your skin actually is! Here are some surprising things that are actually ruining your skin. Take note, girls!

1. Intensive cleansing

Anything that makes your face feel squeaky clean – to the point of stretching your skin – is actually really bad for it! It is stripping your skin of moisture in the process of cleaning it, which, as we all know, is really harmful. So use a good, mild cleanser that is formulated for your skin type and always moisturize after washing your face.

2. Your fave sunglasses!

Who would have thought? Sunglasses are known to protect the delicate skin around the eye, but did you know that unclean sunglasses can lead to breakouts? The buildup of bacteria on sunglasses can actually irritate your skin, and lead to rashes and breakouts. We suggest antibacterial wipes to clean your glasses before you put them on.

Also read: 7 Night-Time Beauty Habits For Every 20-Something Girl!

3. Too many products

The beauty market is ever growing and we have a new, better, fortified product every day. Using too many products, however, can actually be bad for your skin. When trying a new product, always do a patch test to see how it reacts to your skin and stick to the essentials. Slathering on cream after cream is not going to help if the cream doesn’t suit your skin. Using too many products is just going to leave your skin confused as hell so simplify the complicated beauty regime.

4. “Healthy” smoothies

Smoothies have been hailed as the ultimate health food, the substitute to fizzy drinks and so on. Fact, however, remains that they still contain sugar, and too much sugar is really bad for your skin. It can aggravate acne and lead to a process called glycation, which causes skin to sag!

5. Waxing too often

Don’t you just love that ultra smooth feeling after a waxing appointment? But too much waxing can lead to your skin feeling raw and increase the number of red bumps that appear after waxing. Wax only when there is proper hair growth and allow your skin time to rejuvenate after a wax.

Also read: 10 Age-Old Myths About Hair Care You Should NOT Believe!

6. Your AC

That’s right, your air conditioner might actually be harming your skin a little. As it turns out, sitting in an air conditioned room for too long can dry your skin out. Now that does not mean that you sweat it out in the summer months without your AC, that just means that you take appropriate steps to hydrate your skin while the AC is on. Drink loads of water, moisturize diligently and switch the AC off when you don’t need it.

7. Over-exfoliation

Basically, we exfoliate to remove dead skin. However, when we exfoliate too much, it can leave our skin feeling raw and lead to redness and rashes. If you have dry skin, don’t exfoliate more than twice a week with a gentle scrub. For girls who have oily skin, exfoliating three times a week is usually safe.

Images: Shutterstock

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