
Dear Boyfriend, Here’s Why You Have The Coolest Girlfriend EVER

Manika Parasher  |  Aug 19, 2016
Dear Boyfriend, Here’s Why You Have The Coolest Girlfriend EVER

Dear boyfriend,

Even though we both have flaws and are far from perfect, we love each other and neither of us have a doubt about this, right? And while I know you are super awesome and I feel lucky to have you by my side, here is why you ought to feel like you have the coolest girlfriend ever! *grin*



1. I can totally chill with you on the same couch… Without speaking a word!

You can play your video games, while I put on my headphones and watch Friends for the umpteenth time!

2. I do not bring up dead and buried issues!

Because one, I don’t remember them myself and two, why have the same fight all over again?

3. I do not check your phone or your Facebook account… And I do not intend to!

Because, hello? I have people yelling at me for not checking my own Facebook and Whatsapp enough to reply to their messages.

4. I don’t bother you with incessant calls on your guys night out!

Either I am at my own girls night out, or I am sleeping. Neither of these cannot be compromised! Nope.

Also read: Dear Boyfriend, 10 Times I Need You To Really Trust Me!

5. I know when you are checking out that girl across the table… Well, okay, she’s cute!

There’s no harm in admiring someone, is there?

6. I don’t give you any pain about not remembering our kiss anniversary, hug anniversary yada yada yada!

And I also give you a reminder for our “Anniversary” anniversary. How cool is that?!

7. I don’t flip out when you are out with your female friends.

Friends are friends. Monica never said Chandler could not hang out with Phoebe and Rachel, did she?

8. I don’t drag your ex into our conversation…

And if someday you do mention her, I don’t get red in the face. I know that’s done and dusted.

Also read: Dear Boyfriend, You’re Not Perfect… And That’s *Perfect*!

9. I do not insist on holding hands throughout the movie!

It’s romantic…Yes. But just for about 10 minutes. After that it’s just plain uncomfy – especially if my hands get sweaty and I really just want to eat the popcorn.

10. I do not go a tad bit crazy when you don’t take my calls.

Because I can totally imagine you dozed off on your couch and drooling over the cushion. I know you will call me when you are back to Earth!

11. I am totally cool with you going out with me in your PJs

But only if I can too! ;-P

GIFs: Tumblr, Giphy

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