
10 Surprising Yet Sweet Secrets Men Keep From Their Girlfriends

Neha Gupta  |  Jun 29, 2016
10 Surprising Yet Sweet Secrets Men Keep From Their Girlfriends

We’re curious, does your man tell you everything? If that’s a nod, you might be in for a surprise!  Because these, ladies, are the 10 secrets men usually keep from their girlfriends!  

1. He Likes That You Make Some Plans Without Him

Your man loves it when you make plans with your friends, especially when it’s to do all the activities that he secretly hates doing, and only agrees to do because you force him to. So whether that’s shopping, watching a rom-com movie or just a loooong gossip / catchup session, if you just make the plan without him, he doesn’t have to say no or come along and get super bored. Plus, some things are way more fun with the girls anyway! 😉

2. He Does Talk About You To His Guy Friends

He may never mention it to you, but he definitely discusses you with his guy friends. But don’t worry they don’t go into quite as much detail as you do with your girls, but they do seek out each other for advice, and sometimes that includes sex! 😉

3. He Checks Other Women Out

We all check out members of the opposite sex, whether or not we’re in a relationship. Most of the time it’s all pretty harmless. As long as he runs into your arms at the end of the day, you’re fine! 🙂

4. He Loves Receiving Compliments and Wishes You’d Do it More Often

Men love getting compliments as much as we do. Suprised? He may never mention it, but you’ll see just how much he appreciates it when you pay him one. After all doesn’t he always say something nice when you’re wearing something new, or even how amazing you were in bed the other day? The point is that if he means it, he says it. Once in a while you should compliment him too, we’re sure it would make his day!

5. He Secretly Wants to See Your Messy BedHead Look

Yes, he likes that you make an effort. But after you’ve been dating a while, what he’s really craving to see is the real you. The girl without makeup, wearing what she likes, with messy hair is after all as much part of who you are, as the perfectly turned out one!  And trust us, if he’s really into you, he’ll find this unfussy version of you even more adorable.

6. He’s Watched Porn and Sometimes Still Does But It’s Not Because He Doesn’t Care About You! …

He prefers to keep mum about it, because that way you won’t think he’s gross. But the truth is most men have watched porn at some point or the other. As long as it doesn’t affect things in the bedroom, just ignore it.

7. He Won’t Say it, But He’s Grossed Out By Your Hair Clogging Up The Bathroom Drain

Just how you don’t like how untidy he keeps his room, he too doesn’t fancy your hair strands clogging up the bathroom drain. He may never bring it up, but he secretly hopes that one day you’ll realise how gross he finds it and will clean it up! So ladies, if you need to share the house with him, try to compromise!

8. He’s NOT Always In The Mood

Contrary to what pop-culture and movies would have us believe, men are not always in the mood to get in-between the sheets with you. Maybe he hasn’t said no yet, but just like we often do at the end of a tired day, he also sometimes just wants to sit down, grab a bite and snuggle on the couch … aww!

9. He Wishes You’d Make The First Move

It’s no longer only a man’s job to make the first move. Trust us, whether it’s planning a romantic holiday, or seducing him for a change, it will surprise him for sure, but he’s also going to love you for it!

10. He’s Also Done A Massive Background Check on You

If a guy really wants to be with you, he will put in that extra effort to know more about you. Going on dates is great, but sometimes that’s just not enough (and don’t we know that!) That’s when stalking on social media comes to the rescue. So you can be pretty sure he’s already checked you out on Facebook, Instagram and even Twitter.

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