
7 Super-Relatable Thoughts Every Couple That Lives Together Has Had At Least Once!

Krithika Kumar  |  Sep 25, 2018
7 Super-Relatable Thoughts Every Couple That Lives Together Has Had At Least Once!

There are a lot of milestones that every couple hits when they are dating but there is one that is quite big. AKA moving in together. Whether it is after they get married or if they choose to live in, it’s always good to wake up next to someone. And while they are enjoying that amazing feeling, there are a few peculiar thoughts that they will definitely have. We have penned down a few for you! How many of these do you relate to?

1. “Waking up before him/her”

Well, who does not like their solo time in the washroom? You want to be the first one to hog on to the bathroom, so you make deliberate efforts to get up before them, especially on weekdays!

2. “How about breakfast in bed?”

Being in a relationship is all about cute little surprises. Sunnyside up with a dash of love would definitely be perfection.

3. “Why does he need so much space for his stuff?”

Well, now that you’re living together, you will be taking a lot of space in each other’s lives and wardrobes. It will be peaceful if you both have your areas…calls for lesser trouble.

4. “Let’s do laundry together!”

Well, laundry dates can be a thing, you see. Help each other clean up the house or take turns to do your clothes. Washing clothes can be a bit of a task and let’s face it, we’re lazy sometimes to go through the whole process. So, using something that’s easy for both of you to use is the best thing to do. We suggest you use the Bosch washing machine which is SO easy that you will find laundry to be the most fun household chore. You can get a complete cleaning process within 60 minutes. Just put your clothes and forget about them. Super cool, isn’t it?

Want to make your life as easier? Get your hands on the Bosch washing machine right now! Get it Here.

5. “Let’s make each other a romantic dinner”

Not just that, light some candles, put some romantic music on and dine in with them. No matter how old you are in the dating game, this never gets old!

6. “Weekends are for cozy movie nights”

Get some cushions and blankets and turn off the lights to make the perfect ambience for a movie night set up. Or even surprise him on a weekday, when he is least expecting it!

7. “Tonight is the night to be with the girls”

It is very important for couples to have their time with their friends even when they are living together. Every relationship should have the space to let that happen.

8. “Is it time to go grocery shopping?”

It’s a mandate to get things that are necessary at home. A trip to the grocery store will be fun if the person with you is all for it!

*This is a sponsored post for Bosch.

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