
Bach Ke Rehna Re Baba! 5 Red Flags That Indicate You’re In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Rishika Shah  |  Nov 4, 2022
Bach Ke Rehna Re Baba! 5 Red Flags That Indicate You’re In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

An “abusive relationship” does not always mean physical violence. A relationship can also be deemed abusive if it suffers from psychological or emotional exploitation. That said, it takes courage to admit that you are a victim of emotional abuse, whether you are a man or a woman. The silver lining is that once you’ve recognised and accepted it, you’ll be able to detach, heal, and rebuild your own life. Look for these five red flags to determine whether your relationship is emotionally abusive:


1. The Blame Is Always On You! 

Do they have difficulty accepting their mistakes? Or do they make you feel as if you’re the reason they make those mistakes? If the answer is “yes”, this is a major red flag. Taking responsibility for one’s actions is one of the most important things any partner in a relationship must do. If they keep blaming you for their mistakes and saying things like “it all happened because of you,” it’s time to take a stand. Do not ignore your partner’s unwillingness to accept their flaws.

2. Gaslighting At Its Best


Gaslighting is a type of psychological manipulation in which your partner intentionally sows doubt in your mind. If your concerns are frequently dismissed and you are labelled “crazy” or “stupid,” you are most likely being gaslighted by your partner. A classic example of gaslighting is when your partner insists that an event or behaviour you witnessed never happened and that you’re remembering it incorrectly. 

3. Are You Being Controlled? 

It’s great to include your partner in your social circle, but maintain boundaries at all times. Things can become tense if your partner becomes overly invested in your social life or attempts to control your routine and daily activities. This behaviour may stem from their own insecurity but it will prove to be detrimental to you. Your freedom and privacy must be respected, and no one should be allowed to undermine your liberty.

4. Do You Always Have To Defend Yourself? 


A healthy relationship does not guarantee there will be no fights or arguments. When there is mutual understanding and communication in a relationship, it is said to be healthy. If you constantly feel the need to defend yourself in front of your partner, there will be no room for positive communication. If you’re unable to express yourself because you’re afraid of offending your partner, this could be a sign of an emotionally abusive relationship. In such a case, it’s best to discuss it openly with your partner. If they’re still unwilling to make it work, you might want to reconsider the relationship.

5. They Don’t Make You Feel Validated 

If something makes you feel uncomfortable or a certain type of way, and your partner refuses to acknowledge or validate your feelings, you may be in an emotionally abusive relationship. Statements like “can you stop overthinking?” or “You’re being too much” indicate that your partner does not want to validate you. Validation is one of the most important aspects of a relationship, and feeling invalidated can be mentally draining.

If you recognise any of the red flags listed above, you should either talk to your partner about it or reconsider your relationship. After all, nothing, not even love, is more important than your mental health and peace.

Feature Image: Pexels

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