
7 Reasons Not To ‘Settle Down’ When Everyone Is Asking You To

Vatsala Vats  |  Oct 16, 2017
7 Reasons Not To ‘Settle Down’ When Everyone Is Asking You To

Everywhere you go, is everyone asking you that one dreadful question – “When will you settle down?” It can get quite annoying, of course, and rolling eyes is only helpful for a while. You could be hustling right now creating your own business or acing that 9-5 job, if you are just discovering yourself or you simply haven’t found the one you would dive into lifelong commitment with – there are so many reasons not to ‘settle down’ just yet…or ever. We completely get you and that is why we have prepared a list of 8 such reasons. Giving into the pressure, after all, is so passé.

1. You are in the process of discovering yourself

This is a time in life you have the independence to do whatever you want and that is why you should spend a lot of time focussing on yourself. Pick up a hobby, feed animals or work for a social cause. Remember right now you are your project, so discover yourself. Discover your strengths and weaknesses and then work on yourself. Your future self will thank you for this.

While you are on the splendid journey of discovering yourself, read Believe In Yourself by Dr. Joseph Murphy. Order from amazon here (Rs 55).

2. You haven’t seen the world yet

Just travel – it is probably the best advice you will ever get. The world is beautiful and you deserve to see it. Travel on your own – you will learn lessons of a lifetime which no job or university can teach. Travel with your girlfriends because you will regret it if you don’t. And travel with your parents to show them the world the way you see it.

A personalized passport cover is a must-have when you head out for your travels! (Rs 600)

3. You just want to have fun

Aside from all the serious well thought out reasons, maybe you just want to have fun in life right now. You want to go on night outs and weekend getaways on your own or with your besties, You want to meet new people and kiss a lot of frogs before you settle down on one. So go on and do it. That’s reason enough too.

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4. You are hustling right now

You have to work all day and all night, you have to socialize and jump out of your comfort zone when you are running your own business or struggling to keep up with  a 9-5 job.If the need be you have to be available to travel to faraway places to tap a new opportunity.Focus on your career first, the rest will follow.

5. You are learning to depend on yourself

All women should be independent – single or married. Handling your success and your mistakes is probably the best life lesson you will ever learn. So learn it all – cooking, driving, changing bulbs. This way, when a right man walks into your life, he is not a need but a want.

Get this notebook for all the endless possibilities in your life. (Rs 400)

6. You are learning to be alone

Before being with someone, you must learn how to be alone. Especially if you are someone who has jumped from one relationship to another. You need to love your own company and find peace with yourself. In short, you need to be your own person before settling down.

Pamper yourself in a bubble bath with these bath salts from Soul Flower that will leave you relaxed and feeling brand new. Order from Nykaa here. (Rs 350)

7. You just haven’t found the one yet

It is extremely difficult to find someone who you will be happy (or maybe just satisfied) with 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. So take your sweet time in getting to know a man and how exactly you can maintain that compatibility after the novelty is gone. This becomes easier when you know yourself better – when you know what you don’t like, it becomes easier to look for what you do like.

Ladies, life is too short to live with regrets. Travel, party, fall in love or out of love, the point is just do it. There is a right time for everything. Take your time to discover yourself before jumping into lifelong commitment because the best things come to those who wait.

GIFs: Giphy

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