
Beauty Products To Give Your Skin A Burst Of Water(melon)!

Naina Sharma  |  Jul 16, 2020
Beauty Products To Give Your Skin A Burst Of Water(melon)!

Fresh and juicy watermelons- a fruit most of us love and swear by to keep ourselves hydrated amid intense heat and humidity.  The relief from watermelon might escape us…we found you the next best thing! Watermelon-infused skincare products!

What if I told you that besides being good for the overall health of your body, watermelon is specifically beneficial for your skin. Ruminating how? Here are some benefits of the fruit which will help you look like one in a melon million!

Why Say ‘Yes’ To Watermelon-Infused Products?


Hydration: With over 90% water, watermelon is the best for providing hydration to your dull and dry skin.

Anti-aging properties: The antioxidants in watermelon exhibit anti-aging and pro-circulatory properties. Watermelon is rich in vitamins A, B, and C, and lycopene, which is why it is red in colour and protects your skin against wrinkling.

Rejuvenates your skin: Watermelon is full of Vitamin E which helps boost collagen in your body and makes your skin look fresh and glowy. 

Thankfully, there are a plethora of watermelon-infused skincare and beauty products to make your skin feel pampered. Let’s dive in straight to give your skincare closet the fruity twist it needs this summer.

7 Products For The Win

We’ve compiled a list of the seven best watermelon beauty products that you must add to your collection before summer bids adieu. You (and your skin) can thank me later!

Face Mask

Feeling tired and it’s showing on your face? Maybe it is time that you put on a watermelon extract face mask for instant rejuvenation. The mask will not only make your skin glow but will also hydrate and moisturise it deeply.

Lip Balm

Familiar with the juicy shine and tint watermelon leaves on your lips while you are eating some? Well, if you love that, then you’ll also enjoy applying a lip-balm which gives your lips a reddish tint. 

Brightening Serum

A Watermelon-infused skin serum instantly hydrates your skin and also reduces uneven skin tone. Just like lycopene, the natural colour-corrector and hydrocarbon present in watermelon, this brightening serum too, contains properties and extracts which treat pigmentation.

Hand Balm

Hand balms are a must for all of us, especially nowadays when we wash and sanitize our hands multiple times. This is where a watermelon-infused hand cream comes to play. It provides extra hydration, required nourishment and makes your hands soft and supple (minus the grease).

Face Mist

Besides rejuvenating your skin, a watermelon/ water-based face mist will also protect your tired and damaged skin against harmful UV-light and free radicals. It will also tighten your pores for a fresh look all day long.


A light daytime moisturiser with watermelon extracts doesn’t only smell as yummy as the fruit but also delivers the same glowy results that the raw application of watermelon on your body does. The watermelon-based oil-free formula doesn’t just moisturise your hands and legs but also adds a boost of vitamins to your skin with it!


Last but not least, none of us can do without face and body wipes, especially in this all-humid weather. And what better way to clean and clear your skin than by using a non-greasy and watermelon fresh face wipe?

Which of these watermelon-y products will you try first?

Featured Image: Instagram & Pexels

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