
Please & Plank You: These Crazy-Fun Variations Will Torch Your Core From All Angles

Ekta Alreja  |  Feb 12, 2020
Please & Plank You: These Crazy-Fun Variations Will Torch Your Core From All Angles

Planks are so, so good for you and they are super tough. Fact check: planks engage more than 20 muscles, including your shoulders, back, arms, legs, and glutes. Even better, there are few moves that are as effective as plank pose for toning and strengthening your abs. But, well, they’re super boring. You can do them anywhere, sure. But perfecting a plank also means looking at the floor for good 30 seconds (or more) with nothing to distract you. So how about we make this super effective exercise super fun as well. Here are a few variations that will take your planking game to a whole new level.

Hey, you planker, ready to break a sweat?

Plank Variations That Work Your Core Muscles

Here are some variations that you can do to reinvent the class movement. All these challenge your core muscles (obliques and lower abs included).

Plank hops-30 seconds

How it’s done: Start in high plank with your feet together. You will have to pull your abs in, and jump your feet to the right, bringing your knees toward your right elbow. Your torso will twist to the right. Jump your feet back to plank and to complete one rep, repeat on the opposite side.

Lateral plank walk- 30 seconds

How it’s done: Begin in a full plank position with your hands under your shoulders. Begin to shift laterally on the ground, move your right hand and foot simultaneously. Then lift your left hand and foot to meet in the center and return to the plank position. Complete at least three steps to the right and three to the left. That’s one rep for you. Your focus should not be on the speed because more concentrated and slow movement will work better on your core.

Forearm side plank and elbow twist- 20 seconds on each side

How it’s done: Begin in a side elbow plank on your right side. Your feet should be stacked on top of each other and your weight should be on your right elbow. Place your left arm behind your head. Inhale and then exhale and rotate your torso toward the floor. Bring your left elbow on the floor below your shoulder. Don’t let your hips drop. Return to the starting position to complete one rep. Do this exercise for 30 seconds on each side.

Side plank hold- 20 seconds on each side

How it’s done: Similar to what we did above, you have to begin in a side elbow plank on your right side. Your feet should be stacked on top of each other and your weight should be on your right elbow. Place your left arm behind your head. Lift your body into a side plank position, keeping your abs engaged. Don’t let your hips rise or drop.

Plank taps-30 seconds

How it’s done: Begin in a plank with your hands stacked underneath your shoulders. Now, keeping your core engaged and your hips stable, step your right foot out. Bring it back to the starting position and now tap your left foot out. That’s one rep. Continue this exercise for 30 seconds.


Do two to four rounds of the variations to have a killer core workout!

Featured Image: Shutterstock

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