
#MyStory: We Weren’t Perfect Together, But That Kiss Was…

Anonymous  |  May 5, 2016
#MyStory: We Weren’t Perfect Together, But That Kiss Was…

A girl often dreams of a fairytale romance with her Prince Charming… She wants her man to fight for her the way Romeo did for Juliet. I didn’t get my fairytale, but I did meet my Prince Charming. His name was Jai.

A rather good looking senior, Jai was the college heartthrob. I had a huge crush on him, and while we often crossed paths during our college days we never really talked. Every time I saw him I would blush, but I would often wonder if he noticed me. I didn’t even know if he knew that I existed.

It was only after a couple of years that I got an answer. We became friends on Facebook and then one day we had an amazing chat. We were talking about our college days and I narrated the incident when I had a rather funny accident and broke my middle finger in college. To my surprise he had seen that accident and said that he still remembers how he couldn’t stop laughing that day. We became good friends, with time, and then decided to meet.

We met at my favourite spot, on a beach… Somehow I always feel very peaceful and safe there. The cool breeze, the sound of the wave and that handsome face – suddenly all those feelings I had for him came back. I thought it would be a good idea to keep my feelings to myself; I had no idea if he had any feelings for me and I didn’t want things to be awkward between us as we had become such good friends.

We kept meeting and most of the time it would be at the beach. It was a full moon that night and we were enjoying a nice walk along the seashore. I was falling for him again and it was getting more difficult to hide my feelings. After the walk, we were standing next to his bike and chatting; he was saying something and I didn’t know what came over me… I just leaned over and kissed him. I just couldn’t control myself. He also started kissing me. Along with the cool breeze, I could feel his soft lips and the warmth of his body. He held me tighter in his arms and we kissed for a long time. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life and how I wished it would go on forever…

The irony of life is that when we find the right one the situation often isn’t right. At that time we both were getting over our breakups and we both didn’t want each other to be just a rebound. We didn’t take things further and he shifted to another country for a job. I didn’t even meet him before he left because it wasn’t easy for me to see him leave.  

After a year, he called and confessed his love for me, but it was too late… I was already engaged. While he waited to get settled in a new place before telling me that he loved me, I had moved on in life. Guess we were never meant to be together.

I know I couldn’t get my “happily ever after” with the man I loved, but I will always have the memory of that special night and that perfect kiss… nothing can erase that from my memory.

* Names changed to protect privacy.

Images: Shutterstock

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