Self Help

#MyStory: What I Never Want To Forget About 18-Year-Old Me…

Anonymous  |  May 5, 2016
#MyStory: What I Never Want To Forget About 18-Year-Old Me…

This year I turned 18, and it truly has been a memorable year full of ups and downs. I met a guy who made me realise what love means and also what heartbreak feels like. But I don’t regret being in love with him, the whole experience taught me a number of things. When he broke my heart, I controlled my emotions and didn’t cry in front of him. I thought I could never forget him, but I learnt to get over him. I learnt to move on… That one hour-long dance session with my bestie, while I was dealing with the breakup, was a refreshing change… I had a great time, actually.  

I didn’t just age one year; I got wiser and became calmer. While I did feel bad about losing connection with some of my school friends, I also made new ones in my college. And that is not all – I did reconnect with a few people with whom I had lost touch.

Another change: I have started to listen to my parents more often and I don’t argue with them over small things. I have learnt to acknowledge their perspective, adjust to their wishes and not be a rebel without a cause. I have understood that they are the strongest support system I have and they will always stand by my decisions in life. They are the ones who truly believe in me even when I doubt myself.

Then there are changes I need to make, for instance. I have to stop being a procrastinator when it comes to studies. No more “Tomorrow, I will start studying seriously for the exams”. Yes, I wasted a lot of time that way, but I did get good grades. Guess I got lucky – but I can’t take it for granted. I will work as hard as I should, and I will try to participate in more extracurricular activities in college.

And here are a few promises I am making to myself to mark this milestone year. I will laugh as much as I can. Because though there are so many troubles in this world, you have to keep a positive outlook to stay happy in life. Find joy in the small things in life…and when tears come to your eyes, it should be because you just laughed so hard. I am not going to judge people because I have realised that everyone is going through their own battles in life.

The best thing about this year was I didn’t lose hope when things went wrong. I fought back and got my life back on track. I feel good about how far I have managed to come in this one year… “Well done you! Just remember the lessons you have learnt this year”.

I am now looking forward to another year full of happiness, success and more life lessons.

Image: Shutterstock

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