Friends and BFFs

10 Memes You’ll Relate To If You Hate Working Out!

Akanksha Bhatia  |  Dec 7, 2017
10 Memes You’ll Relate To If You Hate Working Out!

Honestly, who wakes up in the morning and thinks of how many sets of squats, lunges and burpees they’ll successfully finish at the gym that day? No one, that’s who. As a woman who is constantly juggling between a hectic job and a very lazy lifestyle, I find it increasingly difficult to find time or energy to exercise. I love food, naps and the only time I put on yoga pants is when I need to look hot in the Starbucks line.

Carefully avoiding those who might disagree, I made a list of my favourite memes that you’ll perfectly relate to if you hate working out!

1. Mondays Are For Resolutions You Can’t Keep

2. The Equipment Can Predict Your Future

3. Your Body Is In A Constant State Of Confusion

4. Self Control Is A Thing Of The Past

5. You Can’t Stand Lies

6. Pie Are There For You!

7. Excuses Are Always On Hand

8. The Boy Who Didn’t Cry Wolf

9. Literally Always That Lazy Friend

10. Words Of Wisdom

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