
8 Quick Ways To Get Rid Of That Pesky Pimple Before A Function!

Sharon Alphonso  |  May 16, 2016
8 Quick Ways To Get Rid Of That Pesky Pimple Before A Function!

Pimples are known to pop up when you least expect them to but mostly always before an important occasion. Well, what if we told you that you can get rid of that pesky zit in a day’s time? Don’t believe us? Here are 8 simple ways to get rid of that last minute pimple before an important function. You go, girl!

1. Ice, ice baby!

Ice cubes are perfect for reducing pain and swelling. All you’ve got to do is wrap the cube in a cloth or put it in a plastic bag. Place it firmly on the pimple for 30-40 seconds. You’ll instantly notice that it reduces inflammation, lightens redness, removes dirt and closes skin pores. It works like a charm always.

2. The good old toothpaste remedy

Did you know that a lil’ bit of toothpaste is what will shrink that pimple? Yes, it’s true! It contains hydrogen peroxide, menthol, baking soda and alcohol that causes a pimple to dry out and shrink in size. Apply plain white toothpaste on the pimple and leave it to dry just before you hit the sack. Once you wake up in the morning, you can wash your face with a mild cleanser. You’ll notice that a pimple has become smaller. Yay!

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3. Honey, lemon and grated apple flakes to the rescue!

Honey is a natural antibiotic and does a fabulous job of reducing the size and swelling of your pimple. All you’ve got to do is grate an apple and empty the flakes into a container, add a teaspoon of gooey honey and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Stir well and apply it on your pimple. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water after.

4. For the love of tea tree oil

For treating acne and scars like a pro, tea tree oil is the best! It has antibacterial properties that help fight bacteria, aid the healing process and reduce inflammation of a pimple. The easiest way to go about it is to dip a cotton ball into tea tree essential oil and gently dab it on the pimple. Let it stay on for a good 15-20 minutes and wash it off after. You’ll definitely notice a big difference.

5. Steam it up!

Steaming is like a detox for the skin. If you have an annoying zit, be assured that steam will do your skin good. It helps open the pores and allows your skin to breathe. You can either use a steamer or a vessel containing hot water. Place a hand towel over your head and take in the steam. It helps keep bacteria, oil, and grime at bay. Make sure to use a toner once you’re done.

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6. Juicy garlic pods for the win

If you want to get rid of acne, slice a garlic pod immediately! It contains antiseptic, antiviral and anti-fungal agents that help fight off bacteria and reduce inflammation. Just slice a pod and rub it on the pimple for 3-5 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. Don’t forget to pat dry after! This is such a common at-home remedy because of how effective it is.

7. Lemons, anyone?!

Lemons have superpowers! Trust us, these citrus babies are a perfect remedy for dealing with all kinds of skin issues. They contain vitamin C and help dry up a pimple faster. Slice a lemon into half and squeeze the juice into a tiny bowl. Sprinkle some cinnamon powder and stir well. Now gently apply it over a pimple and keep it on for 5-10 minutes. Do this once in the morning and again just before you go to bed. The results are magical!

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8. Say hello to benzoyl peroxide!

For instant results, apply benzoyl peroxide! It kills bacteria immediately once it comes in contact with your skin. The best part is that you hardly feel a thing! Apply twice a day for positive results. It’s great to have around to apply on a spot as soon as you feel it coming, to prevent it from growing any bigger and zap it in its tracks. Good luck, girls! Images: Shutterstock HAVE A STORY IDEA FOR POPxo? If you want to hear about it, we can write about it! Just tell us your idea here! MUST-READ: 8 Acne Myths That Stand Between You And Clear Skin! MUST-READ: Goodbye, Scars! 7 Ways to Deal with Acne and Injury Marks

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