
Kaamna Bhojwani of MomAboard Joins The POPxo Blog Network

Kaamna Bhojwani-Dhawan  |  May 6, 2016

Kaamna Bhojwani-Dhawan is a super mom –  she writes, travels the world, is a dancer, and is also a successful entrepreneur. Being an intrepid traveller, her blog MomAboard is filled with useful tips and offers an unique insight for those who struggle to travel with kids. Kaamna has also authored The Giant Book of How-To Lists for the New Dad, the only book for new fathers, written by a mom! As she joins the POPxo Blog Network this month, we asked her a few questions to get started. Read on…

What sparked your interest in writing?

I have always had a love for languages and a way with words. When blogging emerged as a platform for sharing your work, it was a very natural step for me. In the last 8 years, I have launched MomAboard, written a book The Giant Book of ‘How-To’ Lists for the New Dad, and penned hundreds of articles for online and print publications.

What is your first fashion / beauty memory?

Being a child of the 80’s, it was leg warmers and crimped hair!

What is your personal style statement?

I like to pair classics with edge, so you never know what to expect from me. I believe the body is a canvas and fashion is art; I’ll try anything once.

What made you take up blogging?

There was a real need for information on traveling with kids when I had my first child in 2008. I have always had serious wanderlust and it was not about to disappear once I had children. As I schlepped my son from Australia to New Zealand, India, China, Japan, Singapore and to the US, I started cataloging my experiences and advice. From there, MomAboard has grown into one of the premier family travel sites on the internet.

What would you like to tell all aspiring bloggers?

There’s an infinite amount of content out there. Find your voice and find your niche and don’t waste a minute on anything that isn’t adding value. And finally, make these three letters your best friend: S-E-O.

The POPxo Quiz

1. One beauty product you swear by:

Argan oil for glowing skin and shiny hair.

2. An outfit you could live in for the rest of your life:

Skinny jeans and a tank.

3. Your biggest guilty pleasure:

Pleasures are never guilty!

4. The one trend/style you would NEVER wear:

You’ll never see me in Mary Jane shoes.

5. Success is?

A passion-filled existence!

6. Fame or Money?


7. You look up to?

The universe.

8. The ONE thing no one knows about you?

It’s a secret!

9. What is your biggest strength?

Boundless versatility and an unrelenting zest for life.

10. If you could be anyone for a day, who would you like to be?

John Lennon – creative genius, untethered spirit, social purpose.

One last question: How does it feel to be part of the POPxo Blog Network?

Fabulous! Honoured to be part of such a dynamic community!

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