DIY Fashion

#ThrowItOut: 7 Items That Are Wasting Space in Your Closet!

Praachi Raniwala  |  May 6, 2016

Know how you’re always complaining about not having enough wardrobe space for all your acquisitions? Guess what? A little spring cleaning (right now!) will tackle any such space constraints. Frankly, space is rarely the issue — it’s the (impractical) hoarder in you that’s making your closet situation difficult! Don’t know what to get rid of? We tell you what should top your “discard” list.

1. Old Lingerie

No matter how many new sets we buy from Victoria’s Secret or the La Senza sale, the lingerie that continues to get maximum wears is still the old stuff that you bought God knows when! It’s those intimates we don’t give up on even after the colour has positively faded, the straps have become loose and the piece is on the verge of sporting tears and holes. Why, oh why?! Get rid of them, they’ve served their purpose well. It’s time to move on to newer pastures now.

2. Clothes That Are Two Sizes Too Small Or Too Big

You plan to get into better shape this year? We applaud your new resolution. But if you are nowhere close to fitting into that bodycon dress from your college clubbing days or those super-tight jeans that were a staple back in the day, get rid of them. Be realistic. You may never go back to your teenage size, and that’s quite all right. Perhaps the opposite is true in your case. You’ve lost weight and float in your beloveds from your fuller days. If you aren’t going to get them altered, we suggest passing these on to someone who will actually use them.

3. Uncomfortable Footwear

We’ve all been there — bought a pair (or many) of cute shoes on impulse because we thought they were so cute at the time! But they’ve been sitting pretty in your shoe cupboard after one wear ever since. Perhaps they aren’t comfortable, don’t match anything or you realized that they aren’t your style after all. Whatever the reason, it’s best to bid them goodbye. We are sure one of your many girlfriends who share your shoe size will be only too happy to take them off your hands…err…feet!


4. Items Beyond Repair

You’ve been meaning to repair the strap of your fringed sling bag ever since that ill-fated music festival and dye your beloved white top after you dropped ketchup on it. But seasons of music festivals have come and gone and your stained top remains more stained than ever. We all know that if we don’t fix damaged sartorial items immediately, we’re never ever going to get down to it later. You know what to do, don’t you? Toss them out and make place for your newer buys.

5. Old Home Wear

The “I either dress like I’m going to a red carpet event or like I’m a homeless drug addict, there is no in between” adage is sometimes taken too seriously by the best of us. And seems like we turn to this “homeless” look mainly when we’re lounging at home! Dear ladies, we mean this in the nicest way possible — you’ve lived a good life in those trusty 7-year-old track pants, sure. But must you continue to wear them for the next seven years too? Time to bid adieu to them, don’t you think? (Well, we didn’t say it would be easy! Making closet space calls for some tough choices.)

6. Ratty Socks

We all have a pair or two of old socks that have a few holes in them, and even ones where we’ve lost one half of the pair. You know you’re never going to wear them again, so get rid of them stat. The same goes goes for stockings and tights that have runs in them or have loosened elastic. WHY are you holding on to them?!

7. Old Woollens

Sweaters, gloves, shawls, mufflers and even beanie hats that you have lying around for years but never take out even as the temperatures drop, because let’s face it – you have cuter/ cooler winter wear thanks to your yearly splurges. Such items take up quite a bit of bulk in your precious wardrobe. But instead of throwing them out, give them away to charity so they can come in use for people who need it much more than you do during this chilly season.

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