
Is It Safe To Shave Your Pubic Hair While You’re On Your Period? An Expert Answers It All

Sonakshi Kohli  |  Feb 7, 2022
Is It Safe To Shave Your Pubic Hair While You’re On Your Period? An Expert Answers It All

Folks, your vajayjay might be strong enough to push out a baby. But it’s moist, warm, and perhaps more vulnerable to fungal and bacterial infections. Which is exactly why you are blessed with a garden of protection around it. No points for guessing, we’re talking about the hair on your vagina as well as the outer lips. The hair trap bacteria and dirt and keep them from giving you a potentially dangerous vaginal infection.

Now you may love your pubic hair or hate it, keep it or remove it, it’s totally your prerogative. Your body, your choice. But if your quest for pubic-perfection makes you shave the bush even while you’re on your period, an expert has something to say to you:

It Can Wreak Havoc On Your Vagina


“Period blood contains bits of the endometrium layer and a lot of bacteria. And freshly-shaved skin is more prone to irritation and infection,” warns Dr Gauri Agarwal, Founder and Director, Seeds of Innocence And Genestrings Diagnostic, Delhi. This simply means that by shaving on your hair, the probability of catching a vaginal infection increases ten folds.

In fact, as per a study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, the hormonal changes during your period can change the natural vaginal flora. This can lead to a decrease in the amount of good bacteria present down there, further upping the risk of yeast infection. So, why remove the protective barrier during that time of the month? 

It Can Be Painful

If you’re a seasoned pubic-hair shaver, you know you opted for it because this hair-removal method is absolutely pain-free. But it can actually be painful if you do it on your period. “Your skin, especially around the pubic area, is more sensitive during or right before your period,” shares Dr. Gauri. She warns that this can make the otherwise pain-free shaving a bit painful.

Even a study published in 2003 backs her claim. “Women rate pain significantly higher in the menstrual and premenstrual phases than in the mid-menstrual and ovulatory phases,” says the study. This is because the estrogen levels drop significantly during these phases. The result? A lower threshold for pain and obviously, a painful shaving session.

It Can Cause Rashes


The problem with shaving on your period goes beyond vaginal infection and increased pain sensitivity. It can even give you rashes.

“The friction generated by sanitary napkins can irritate your post-shave genital skin,” Dr Gauri warns. In fact, the prickly hair that grow back within a few days of shaving can add to this friction and make you uncomfortable. That’s not it. The progestogen hypersensitivity during your monthlies can increase skin sensitivity and worsen your situation. The result? Your skin down there becomes prone to rashes, redness, itching, irritation and swelling.

Take These Precautions If You Just Can’t Avoid It

If you decide to go ahead and shave your pubic hair while you’re on your period, we want to make sure that you do it with minimal risk. Dr. Gauri has the perfect risk-mitigating precautions for you:

1.Time It Right

The best time to do it is during or after a shower. This is because the moisture makes the hair follicles swell up and that gives you a cleaner, closer shave.

2. Do It Right

If you’re on period, don’t pull the skin taut while shaving your intimate area. Doing so can add to your pain. Secondly, avoid shaving against the direction of the hair as it can break the hair shaft underneath the skin’s surface. This can lead to painful ingrowns and bumps. Hence, always shave in the direction of the hair.

3. Avoid Dry Shaving

Always prep your skin before shaving. Use a shaving cream instead of a soap to do so as soaps can dry out the genital skin and lead to cuts and razor burns.

Pro Tip: You can take a pump of the Sirona Apple Cider Vinegar Foaming Intimate Wash on your wet palms, rub them to form lather, and apply it on your intimate area before shaving. Your razor will glide on like butter, we promise. Also, its natural ingredients—Tasmanian pepper fruit, aloe vera and lactic acid—will cleanse and soothe your privates. This will ensure you don’t get irritation or infection from any bacteria down there.

4. Choose The Right Razor

Dr Gauri suggests using a razor with a sterile blade and we have just the product that fits the bill here. Make way for the Sirona Aloe Boost 4 Blade Reusable Razor. This wonder tool has an anti-slip handle and a pivoting head to move through all the contours of the body. It’ll give you a long-lasting, hassle-free shave. All this, without causing cuts and burns. The best part? You don’t have to throw away the razor after each use. Just replace the cartridge and a new sterile blade is ready to give you the clean shave of your dreams. By the way, did we mention that this razor comes with an aloe strip to moisturise the skin? It surely can’t get better than this.

5. Post-Shave Care Is Important Too

Avoid or at least minimise touching the intimate area on the day of shaving. If you must, then wash your hands thoroughly to keep infections at bay. Opt for a fresh, breathable, cotton underwear to control sweating or bacterial action between your legs. And lastly, Dr. Gauri recommends gently applying a moisturiser or nut-based oil on the intimate area. How about you try Sirona’s Natural Intimate Oil?

It is packed with the goodness of coconut oil, chamomile oil, sea buckthorn oil, and rosehip oil. And it’ll moisturise your freshly-shaved intimate area without making it greasy or oily. All you’ve got to do is to cleanse your privates, pat them dry and massage the oil on your sensitive skin. And done! Easy-peasy, no?

Featured Image: Pexels

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