
‘I Scream, You Scream…’: 7 Things Every Ice-Cream Lover Will Get

Krithika Kumar  |  Aug 4, 2016
‘I Scream, You Scream…’: 7 Things Every Ice-Cream Lover Will Get

“I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream” – If these are the words you live by, then you will surely get how easy it is to fall in love with ice-cream. While people are busy stuffing their faces with cake and chocolates, you’ve got to have your ice-cream fix after every meal, every time it rains and whenever you’re feeling a bit low. So, if ice-cream is a solution to all your life problems, here are 7 things you will surely get!

1. Midnight cravings

So you’ve had a healthy dinner and told yourself that you are done for the night. But your meal feels unfinished because you haven’t had a scoop of your favourite ice-cream. Hear it calling out from the freezer all creamy and frozen? Yeah, we feel you, girl!

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2. Your friends find you weird sometimes

People you go out with always take time to order dessert, but you know exactly what to order. You’ve got your order on the tip of your tongue. It’s cold, it melts into a creamy mess and it keeps you coming back for more! And your friends think you’re totally weird for melting your ice-cream and then slurping it straight out of the cup. But damn them, you’ve got your #priorities right on point!

3. Tooth trouble *sigh*

You have often suffer from cavities and sensitivity more often than most people. But that doesn’t bother you, does it? You’ve got backup. We do too. Our current favourite is the Colgate Sensitive Clove Toothpaste that keeps sensitivity at bay and keeps your teeth in top shape. Best part is, you can now go shamelessly grab a bite of that Baskin Robbins Clove Candy Crush ice-cream, without that intense toothache right after. Win-win!

4. Can have ice-cream with everything

Are you that one person during Indian wedding functions who tops jalebi with a mountain of ice-cream? We totally get you! You can basically have ice-cream with everything. Be it gulab jamuns or cake or even French fries. And not to forget that scoop of ice-cream floating in your favourite fizzy drink.

5. Ice-cream is your BFF

Ice-cream rescues you most of the time. Happy, sad, frustrated or lonely…no matter you’re feeling, ice-cream is always the solution. Don’t have a 4am friend to console you and talk to you about your recent breakup? That’s EXACTLY what ice-cream was made for.

6. Biggest confusion in life – picking a flavour!

You are sometimes sure of what you want to wear in the morning but you are never sure of what flavour of ice-cream to have. Strawberry? Butterscotch? Umm no…Chocolate maybe? But no matter what the flavour, ice-cream is always heavenly! Speaking of amazing flavours, the new Baskin Robbin’s Clove Candy Crush ice-cream in association with Colgate is a must try for all you ice-cream lovers.

7. One scoop? No. Sharing? No!!

You do not understand what one scoop means because you always want your favourite things in abundance. So, only a single scoop of ice-cream seems like complete injustice. Moreover, when it comes to ice-cream, you don’t share. You have some major ground rules and people better follow them!

*This is a sponsored post for Colgate. Love Baskin Robbins’ Clove Candy Crush flavour as much as we do? Relish the taste everyday with Colgate Sensitive Clove Toothpaste. Buy it here.

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