
7 Things You Can Start Doing NOW To Prevent Hair Fall

Priyanka Ghura  |  May 5, 2016
7 Things You Can Start Doing NOW To Prevent Hair Fall

A little piece of our heart breaks every time we see those strands in our hairbrush or stuck in the drain. The thought of a thinning mane terrifies us all! Which is why we give you a few things you can start doing NOW to prevent hairfall. Don’t worry your pretty head anymore and just follow these tips. 1. Address Your Scalp Situation Dandruff or an itchy, flaky scalp sadly encourages hair fall. If your scalp is prone to this kind of snowfall, you should use a high powered shampoo to keep it in check. Nizoral is great for reducing dandruff in just a wash or two. Addressing the scalp is the first step to prevent hairfall.

2. Your Hair Is What You Eat

Your diet influences not only your weight and general health but also the state of your strands. Deficiencies and an excess of nutrients can really contribute to your hair fall woes. Too much of sugar, greasy food and refined grains are doing nothing for your locks and can even make them look dull. A balanced diet with plenty of protein (that’s what hair is made of, after all), carbs, vitamins and minerals is an absolute must if you want stronger, shiny strands. Eating right is a constant endeavor to prevent hairfall. 

3. Stay Away From The Sun

The sun doesn’t just damage your skin but also your hair. The UV rays can help make your mane brittle, weak and dry, which basically fast-forwards the hair fall process. Try and stay clear of stepping out in direct sunlight as much as you can to prevent hairfall and invest in some fun headgear to protect your locks. Hey, a chic hat is a cool style statement, after all and definitely aids prevent hair loss! Learn how to get your mane SPF-ready 

4. A Massage A Day Will Keep The Hair Fall Away

Massaging your scalp for a few minutes every day is a very easy way to avoid hair loss. It increases the blood circulation in your scalp, which helps strengthen your roots and prevent hair loss. Indulge yourself every once in a while and treat yourself to a professional head massage as well – it’s great for your hair and is so relaxing too. 

5. Chill Out!

You may be worried about how to prevent balding but worry is the culprit here. It’s like elevated stress levels have a direct relationship with hair shedding. The body’s immune system starts attacking hair follicles when you’re super stressed, so learn to turn that frown upside down. Work out, go on a shopping spree, plan a spa day – whatever makes you feel more relaxed and content. Chilling out can be a great bet to prevent hairfall..

6. Strike That Perfect Balance In Your Shampoo Schedule

By now you know that washing your hair every day or too often leads to dryness and hair loss. But not washing your hair enough also leads to flakiness and hair fall. So what’s a girl gotta do? We would say that washing your hair about 3 times is a week is the smartest option to prevent breakage and hair loss

7. Handle With Care

Being gentle on your strands seems pretty obvious, but that doesn’t stop us from frequently blow-drying our locks, pulling them into tight hairstyles, trying chemical treatments and carelessly running a brush through them, especially when wet. We’re all guilty of doing these things on a daily basis without giving it a second thought – and we don’t realise that one of these things is making or will cause our hair to fall. Be more particular and gentle on your strands for effective hair loss prevention Images: Shutterstock HAVE A STORY IDEA FOR POPxo? If you want to hear about it, we can write about it! Just tell us your idea here! MUST-READ: #RealGirlBeauty: 7 Simple Ways to Stop Hair Fall!  MUST-READ: Save Your Hair! 7 Home Remedies For Hairfall You Must Try Today How to Stop Hair Fall Immediately in Hindi

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