DIY Fashion

7 Ways To Up Your Style Without Changing Your Budget!!

Apurva Lama  |  May 5, 2016
7 Ways To Up Your Style Without Changing Your Budget!!

Style is what defines a person more than fashion does. Fashion trends are short-lived and they disappear as quickly as they come, but style is eternal. Each of us have our own individual styles that we love to upgrade from time to time. Changing your style quotient or upgrading your wardrobe doesn’t necessarily have to involve spending a lot of money. If you are looking to up your style game but your pocket isn’t necessarily following suit, then this one’s for you. Here are some things you can do to upgrade your style on a budget!

1. Organization is the key

The first and foremost step to elevate your style is to organize your closet. An organized and well sorted out closet is the building block to an amazing ensemble. A messy cupboard makes for a lazy outfit. A tidy cupboard will not only keep your clothes fresh and new, but it also give you more creative ideas while putting outfits together as you can see all your options clearly.

2. Dispose and sell

Let’s face it. We all have more things in our cupboard that we don’t wear compared to the things that we do wear. If you haven’t worn an item for the last one year, chances are you will never wear it again. Make closet space by giving away or selling these items.

3. Stop spending on basics and save for key pieces

After you’ve sorted out your closet, comes the second most important thing: key pieces. Instead of spending money buying the same basic tees and tops that you always wear, save that money to purchase key pieces. Think embellished or embroidered fabric, bold accessories or unique pieces that help you up your style in no time. Just one key item can do wonders for your ensemble.

4. Put on your thinking cap and get creative

If you look closely, there are umpteen number of new outfit choices right there in your closet. All you have to do is be creative. Think how you can modify an old item of clothing into a brand new one. No, we’re not just talking about chopping off your old pair of jeans and turning them into shorts. Take some DIY inspiration from the Internet and get crafty.

5. Put on your comfy shoes and go store hunting

You don’t always have to go to malls to buy nice clothes. In this day and age, there are plenty of small retail pin-up shops that sell some pretty neat stuff…for less than half the price of the stores in the mall. Look for these stores, for they will have more variety at a price that will make you happy. You will definitely be spoilt for choice!

6. Master the art of mixing and layering

Experimentation is the key to a fabulous looking outfit. Do not stick to the same combination just because it looked good once. Swap it with other items and patterns – you can never imagine how many new outfits you can create with the same items in your closet. Have fun dressing up… Life is just too short not to!

7. Change your hairstyle

Give you hair a complete makeover once a while. A new hairstyle can give your face a brand new look. Wearing the same hairstyle for months on end does become a little mundane and monotonous. Change your parting, get bangs, get a new colour…it is a great way to change your personal style and look.

Images: Shutterstock

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