
#WinterBlues: How to Get Out of the Winter Funk and Start Living!

Tanushree Bhasin  |  May 6, 2016

Winter funk: it’s dull, depressing, and completely deadening. If as the weather turns grey and blue, so do you, then it’s time to stop wasting your days hiding under the covers, unable and afraid to step out into the chilly, frozen world outside. Here’s our guide to get out of the winter funk and start living!

1. Wake up early

This might be the last thing you want to do on a chilly winter morning, but honestly, waking up early is the only way to not waste your day lounging in bed under warm and cosy covers! Set a particularly horrid alarm tone and get the hell out of bed as early as possible.

2. Find a sport you like/ go for a jog every day!

Nothing gets your blood pumping like a good run that will leave you energized and alert for the rest of the day. You could also play a sport – badminton, basketball, tennis, or even golf.

3. Go out for your morning cuppa

…instead of drinking it in bed. Get out of the house, walk to a cafe, or even a roadside chaiwallah. Make sure you talk to people first thing in the morning, even if it is to just place an order. Ask them how they’re doing. Smile and say something nice. Nothing encourages the urge to engage with the world more than simple human connection. It’s easy to pass the day in a cocoon of solitariness otherwise, wherein you barely communicate with other people beyond the basics.

4. Read an interesting book

Television shows disappear around December each year and don’t return until late January. In the meantime, you can pick up a racy thriller or an un-putdownable romantic story to keep you entertained!

5. Get out of the city

If the cold weather is really getting you down, the best way to deal with it is to simply avoid it. Buy yourself a ticket on the first bus/ flight out of the city on a weekend, and go somewhere green or where the sun shines down on you, even if only for two short days.

6. Play upbeat and happy music

Log on to 8tracks each morning and play their super-happy playlists all day long. Music really lifts up the mood and works wonders when it comes to getting you to stop feeling blue.

7. Go shopping

If you think a nice, comfy, faux-fur jacket will cheer you up and keep you warm, go get it! Or go to a flea market and get your adrenaline pumping with some good old-fashioned competitive haggling.

8. Pick up a new skill

There’s really no point in sitting at home, staring at the television, doing nothing. Why not, say, take your new camera out and experiment with it? Or join dance classes?

9. Get a pet and cuddle!

This picture says it all!

10. Learn to enjoy the winter

The best way to get out of the winter funk is the decision to simply start enjoying yourself. Accept the cold weather, don’t resist it. Put on your sweaters, gloves, jackets and hats, and really brave the weather in style!


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