
ale#DIY: A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Wax At Home & Do It Like A Pro!

Sharon Alphonso  |  Apr 9, 2020
ale#DIY: A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Wax At Home & Do It Like A Pro!

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, we don’t have an option but to stay at home. That’s right, no club-hopping, no working out at gyms, no catching up with friends at coffee shops, no window-shopping at malls – everything seems to have come to a halt (including our regular trips to the parlour.) Speaking of salons, us women go there for a multitude of reasons. Either to get a hair trim, shape our eyebrows, nail manicure and to get our unwanted hair waxed. Waxing is a skill that takes time to master. If you lack the experience, you can actually end up harming your skin while pulling out hair. 

While shaving is a safe option to remove hair at home, it does not deliver amazing results as compared to waxing. Since shaving does not pluck out the hair follicle, hair starts to grow in the first week itself. Whereas waxing would cause hair to grow after 4-6 weeks. As far as results are concerned, waxing over shaving any day! However, there are a few cons that come with waxing. It’s more painful than shaving and your skin can flare up immediately after pulling off that hot wax strip. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to wax your hands, legs and maybe even your booty at-home waxing, then you’re going to learn a new skill today! Before we teach you, it’s important to know what are the different types of waxing.

The Different Types of Waxing


Grab a pen and notebook, will you? 

Soft Wax


To remove hair that’s on larger areas of your skin like your hands and legs, you will have to use soft wax. It involves using a wooden stick to spread the warm wax on your skin. Once the wax cools down and hardens for a while, you then have to place a strip of cloth over the warm wax to pull the hair off. This leaves you with smoother and softer skin.

Hard Wax



In comparison to soft wax, hard wax targets smaller sensitive areas like your upper lip, bikini area and underarms. Once it cools down and hardens, the wax is pulled off in the opposite direction of the hair growth. It’s also less painful than soft wax and pulls off hair effectively without damaging the skin in the process. Once hair is removed, do not use any fragrant-heavy oils or creams to soothe the area. They could actually clog pores and inflame the area. Use aloe vera gel instead. It’s lightweight and heals the area quickly.

Also Read: Best Types of Tweezers

Fruit Wax


Fruit wax is a type of hard wax that is also meant to be used on sensitive areas like your upper lip, bikini area and underarms. It’s called ‘fruit wax’ cause it is packed with fruit extracts like plum and berries. While pulling off your hair, it also deposits nutrients and vitamins to the skin to help keep the skin nourished and hydrated. It’s also more expensive than hard wax.

Chocolate Wax



Rich in antioxidants and nutrients, chocolate wax is less painful than other variants of wax. Almost every slab of chocolate wax contains soybean oil, almond oil and glycerin. If your skin turns red and puffs up quickly after waxing, chocolate wax is much milder in this case. Chocolate wax is also more effective at taking off a tan as compared to regular wax. However, such luxury comes with a price. However, the benefits of chocolate on the skin make it worth it! 

Sugar Wax


Sugar wax is obviously made from sugar. Lemon, honey and hot water are the other ingredients. Since the mix is made with natural wax ingredients, this is a kind of wax you can make if you don’t have chocolate, fruit or soft wax lying at home. Sugar does a great job of pulling the hair follicles from the skin and doesn’t stick to your skin either. The hair on your body needs to be at least a quarter-inch long to reap the benefits of sugar wax. 

Ready To Use Waxing Strips


If you don’t like making your wax at home, you can buy ready to use waxing strips from the chemist. It promises 7 days of smoothness post using. Unlike the other variants of waxing, this one is quicker to do. The con is that the chemical ingredients in the wax strips may create an allergic reaction on your skin and could cause red bumps and inflammation. Also, if not removed quickly and smoothly, you could end up removing skin along with your hair. Another con with these ready to use waxing strips is that they often leave behind a very sticky residue which is very hard to wash off. It makes the whole process really sticky and messy.

How To Make Hair Removal Wax at Home

You need lemon juice, sugar, honey and hot water to do this.

Step 1: In a saucepan, add 3 tbsp of sugar and turn on the heat to medium.

Step 2: Stir well until sugar crystals dissolve and begin to caramelize. 

Step 3: Pour in lemon juice mixed with water and add 1 tbsp of gooey honey. 

Step 4: Turn the heat off and allow the wax to cool down.

Step 5: Pour it into a glass container after 30 minutes and it’s ready to use.

How To Make Waxing Strips at Home

Remember, you don’t have the opportunity to step out and go to a salon to get your legs or hands waxed. Since parlours already have the essential materials to wax your hair, you may have to make arrangements for your own materials when you’re waxing at home. Now that you know how to make wax at home, let’s teach you how to make wax strips at home. 

Step 1: Use a pair of scissors to cut cotton or linen fabric into tiny strips. 

Step 2: Sew to the edges of the fabric so it becomes easier to get a better grip while pulling off the hair. 

Step 3: Store them in a box by piling them one on top of the other. (This will make it easier to pick and use instantly)

How To Do Waxing at Home

Now that you’ve got your equipment ready, it’s time to learn how to wax hair present on different areas of the body. Remember, each area has its own level of sensitivity. Remember, soft wax to be used on larger areas like legs, hands and buttocks, while hard wax is meant for underarms, bikini area, sidelocks and upper lips. 

How To Wax Hands and Legs at Home


Did you know that waxing is more effective on freshly washed skin? Hence it’s important to wash your hands and legs with warm water so that the pores open up are able to absorb the wax better. Let’s learn how to do this.

Step 1: Use a wooden popsicle stick or a butter knife to apply warm soft wax in the direction of the hair growth.

Step 2: Allow the wax to harden for 10 seconds

Step 3: Place wax paper or cotton strip on your hand/leg

Step 4: From the opposite direction of the hair growth, pull the cotton strip off quickly. 

Step 5: Repeat this process until you’ve removed all the hair and once done, wash your legs and hands with cold water.

How To Do Underarms Waxing at Home

Your underarms are a sensitive area and waxing should be done with utmost care. You may want to pop a painkiller or use numbing cream first before you wax the area. Also, post underarm hair removal, do not apply deodorant, perfume or scrub the area with fragrant soap as it could irritate the skin. Let us learn how to wax underarms at home.

Step 1: To soften skin and open pores, scrub your underarms with a loofah

Step 2: Wash the area well and pat dry with a towel

Step 3: Place your hand behind your head and apply warm hard wax in the same direction of hair growth.

Step 4: Place a strip of cloth on the wax and quickly rip it off after 10 seconds.

Step 5: Repeat till you’ve removed all the hair in your underarm region.

How To Do Facial Waxing at Home


Facial waxing includes three areas – sidelocks, upper lip and eyebrows. If you’re waxing your face, you have to be careful while pulling hot wax off ‘Coz if you’re too harsh, red bumps and acne can appear on your face. Following are the steps on how to do face waxing at home.

Step 1: Wash your upper lip area, side lock area and eyebrows.

Step 2: For your upper lip area press your tongue against your upper lip to make the process of hair removal easier. You can’t do this for your side lock area and brows. 

Step 3: Once again, apply wax in the direction of hair growth. 

Step 4: Place a strip of cloth, leave it on for 10-15 seconds and pull off immediately. 

Step 5: If you still spot any stray hair, use a tweezer to pull it off.

How To Do Back Waxing at Home

You may need help from another person when waxing your back at home as your hands may not be able to reach all over. Waxing your back tends to irritate your skin, a lot of people get a bad breakout on the back after waxing. This happens mostly because when you wax, you’re pulling out all the hair from the root and leaving the pores exposed. Since our backs are usually covered with clothes, the sweat might clog your pores and cause acne. If you have very sensitive skin, the fabric rubbing on your bareback might also cause a breakout. It’s best to stay away from waxing your back unless you know that you won’t break out after. 

Step 1: Wash your back with water and soap.

Step 2: Pat dry and apply wax in the direction of your hair growth

Step 3: Place a waxing strip on your back and pull it off after 10 seconds.

Step 4: Repeat the process till you’ve removed all the hair on your back. 

Step 5: Wash your back with antibacterial soap and cold water to prevent bacne

How To Wax Bikini Line at Home

If you have no skill in waxing, please avoid waxing your bikini line at home. It can be painful if you aren’t careful. Always start in a small area first and then make your way down south. 

Step 1: Wash the bikini line first with lukewarm water.

Step 2: Use a pair of scissors to trim your pubic hair.

Step 3: Place a towel on your bed and lie-down.

Step 4: Place a mirror in between your legs so you are able to get a better view. 

Step 5: Apply hard wax to the area using a wooden stick and wait for 10-15 seconds.

Step 6: Place the cloth on the warm wax and pull it off in the opposite direction of the hair growth. 

Step 7: Apply some baby oil or aloe vera gel to soothe the area once you’re done.

After Wax Routine

In the first 24 hours post waxing, you must be very careful with your skin. It’s been freshly waxed and is very sensitive to touch. Do not touch, exfoliate or apply any cream to the area. Here are a few tips for waxing at home.

1. Avoid Wearing Tight Clothing

Your skin will become sore after waxing. Wearing tight clothes like jeans, slacks, and tees, will not allow your skin to breathe. That can cause irritation and itchiness. Hence, it is wise to light cotton clothing. Pyjamas are a good option here.

2. Avoid Working Out

For a couple of days, do not workout. When you sweat, bacteria can collect on your skin and clog your pores after cooling down. 

3. Avoid Stepping Out


You can’t even do that now with the lockdown in place, but avoid going down to buy groceries or to the chemist when you’ve just waxed. Stepping out in the sun can damage your skin and lead to a nasty sunburn. 

4. Avoid Exfoliating Your Skin

Dead skin cells are already pulled off after waxing and if you exfoliate even further, you could cause a rash to form. 

5. Avoid Heavy Creams

Thick creams are the absolute worst because they can clog your pores and create breakouts. You should avoid using them at all costs. If you must, use aloe gel to soothe inflamed skin.


1. Is waxing at home a good idea?

Compared to doing it at a salon, it’s definitely cheaper and faster. However, you must have some experience with it or else you can hurt yourself.

2. Is waxing at home safe?

It is safe, provided if you’re gentle and follow the steps with caution. A quick tip – you should always apply warm wax in the direction of your hair growth and pull the strip off from the opposite direction of your hair growth

3. How to wax at home without pain?


Exfoliate your skin first and then wax. It helps to remove the dead skin cells and prepares your skin for wax for hair removal. It also makes waxing ingrown hair easier.

4. Is waxing better than shaving?

Yes, the results last longer and are more effective. The only con here is that waxing is more painful than shaving.

5. Can you make your own wax at home?

Yes, if you heat sugar, honey, lemon juice and hot water. Stir all three ingredients while the heat is on till you’re left with a brown, sticky mix – that’s when you know your homemade wax is ready

You don’t need to visit a parlour anymore ‘Coz now you know how to make the wax, the strips and remove hair all by yourself. Think of all the money you’ll save every month if you know how to do waxing at home. Pretty cool, right?

Images: Shutterstock

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