
Party For One! 5 Science-Backed Reasons Why You Should Masturbate More Often

Sonakshi Kohli  |  Jul 7, 2022
Party For One! 5 Science-Backed Reasons Why You Should Masturbate More Often

Let’s set the record straight: masturbation is natural, liberating, and oh-so-satisfying. If you’ve experienced its after-bliss, you know what we’re talking about. Unfortunately, the stigma around sex has made the M-word a taboo subject. It has even led to the association of guilt and shame with this act of self love. However, here we are, not only talking about it, but also giving you more reasons to indulge in it. According to a study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behaviour, masturbation plays an important role in sexual development, functioning, and overall health. So here’s presenting five proven health benefits of self-stimulation that’ll convince you throw yourself a party for one more often:

It Promotes Better Sleep


According to a study published in the journal Frontiers Of Public Health, more than 50% of women report better sleep quality after masturbating before going to bed. This is because when you orgasm, your body releases a mix of neurochemicals like oxytocin, serotonin, vasopressin, and prolactin. These relax the body and help prepare you for sleep.

It’s Great For Your Mental Health


One of the best benefits of masturbation is that it can elevate your mood like no other. Oxytocin released during an orgasm can decrease cortisol (stress hormone) and help you feel better. This in turn can keep your stress levels in check and boost your mental health. Masturbation can also boost your self-confidence as it helps you explore your sexuality and get to know your erogenous zones better.

It Can Help You Burn Some Extra Cals


According to a research paper published in PLOS One, women burn 69.1 kCal on average during a single orgasm. Now, the more you masturbate, the more calories you burn. What a fun way of meeting your fitness goals, right?

It Relieves Period Cramps


The oxytocin and dopamine released during an orgasm act as natural painkillers and can help alleviate period cramps. Additionally, when you orgasm, the blood rushes to the uterus and helps relieve the cramps. So don’t be afraid of taking a solo flight even when Aunt Flo’s around.

It Improves Heart Health


Masturbation can raise your heart rate to the equivalent of mild to moderate activity. This can have a positive effect on your cardiovascular health and keep your heart healthy. 

We don’t think there’s a more pleasurable and fun way to boost your health and feel great. So go ahead and fly solo tonight *wink*!

Featured Image: Pexels

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