
Save Your Strands! Haircials Are What You Need For A Healthier Scalp & Shiny Tresses

Larissa Pinto  |  Oct 12, 2020
Save Your Strands! Haircials Are What You Need For A Healthier Scalp & Shiny Tresses

In the past few months, you’ve probably invested a lot of time and energy into perfecting your facial routine to give your skin the nutrients it deserves and while that’s great, there’s another area on your body that needs the same amount of TLC and probably isn’t getting any — we’re talking about your hair. Yes, along with your facials, you also need to pamper your hair if you want enviable, shiny & healthy locks. Just like your Sunday skincare routine which includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturising, sheet masks and serums etc., your hair too, deserves the same pampering, at least once a week. Dandruff, hair thinning, or continuous hair fall are all clear tell-tale signs of an unhealthy scalp. So, if you want to get fabulous tresses, you need to incorporate a hair facial aka, haircial into your weekly hair care routine.

The Haircial You Need To Follow

No, you don’t need to remember a whole new routine. Just keep in mind the steps to your skincare routine and you’re good to go.

Step One: Pre-Wash Treatment / Prepping


Just like a good face prep, your hair and scalp deserve attention as well if you want to get rid of all the impurities. A good pre-wash treatment will help loosen up the dirt, excess oil, dust, and other pollutants accumulated on your scalp that may be hindering your hair follicles from growing and getting the nutrients they need. For this step, you could either massage your hair with a hair oil suited for your hair type (we’re sure most of you are probably already doing this) or you can also create a DIY cleansing hair mask and massage it on your scalp and let it sit for a couple of minutes before washing it off.

Step Two: Wash It All Off / Deep Cleanse



If you regularly use a paraben, silicone and sulphate free shampoo, you need to switch things up and cleanse your hair with a clarifying shampoo at least twice a month to get rid of all the impurities. For your haircial, when it’s time to cleanse your hair, you will need to use a regular or clarifying shampoo which contains synthetic ingredients to thoroughly remove buildup on the scalp, including the hair mask or oil in your hair. Getting rid of these excess elements will help prevent any bacterial growth. Your ‘clean’ shampoos will need to sit this one out.

Step Three: Hair Mask ‘n’ Chill



Just like a sheet mask for your face, your hair needs a nourishing mask too. Those who regularly use toxic-free shampoos, you might find your tresses a bit dry after washing it with a regular shampoo. To add back the nutrients and help restore the moisture in your hair, you’ll need to use a hair mask. Lucky for you, no matter your hair type, there is a hair mask to suit your hair needs. If you have curly hair, you can opt for a wheat bran extract and jojoba oil-infused hair mask to reduce frizz.


Those with damaged or dry hair can try a hair mask rich in avocado oil, lemon extract, and olive fruit oil to moisturise and strengthen hair.

After applying the hair mask, wait for 15 minutes, then rinse your hair, add your conditioner and give it another rinse. Once you’re done, use a microfibre or cotton cloth/t-shirt to dry your hair. This will reduce any hair damage and minimize frizz.


Step Four: Hydrate Your Mane / Moisturise



Most people think that after conditioning the deed is done, but this is not the case. Your hair needs some hydrating ingredients too. Once it is fully cleansed, massage a bit of hair serum from root to tip to make it look glossy and shiny. Those blessed with curly tresses have specially formulated creams and serums to help nourish the hair after a wash which will leave it looking bouncy and healthy.

With haircials, your Sunday self-care routine just got a new much-needed upgrade.

Featured Image: Pexels

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